
How Vietnam is a Leader in the Fight Against Covid-19

The Narrative the West Refuses to Cover About Coronavirus

Krista Aoki
9 min readMar 28, 2020


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Bidets, which are commonplace in many Asian countries, are seldom found in American households. Headlines across the US reported bidet sales skyrocketing as toilet paper flew off the shelves in response to COVID-19 panic.

But amidst the fight against the latest coronavirus, the US can take away more from Asia than bidets. The US can also follow the example of Asian countries like Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19.

I have watched the US response closely from my social distancing safehaven in Vietnam — a country whose proactivity has been regarded as exemplary.

“Mỗi người dân là một chiến sỹ trên mặt trận phòng chống dịch bệnh.”

“Every citizen is a soldier on the front of disease prevention.”

Recently, I have received regular text messages from the Vietnamese government to prevent this coronavirus spreading around the community. The latest was a text from the Prime Minister that ended with the encouraging note that “every citizen is a soldier on the front of disease prevention.”

