Hi, I'm Krista Lamen! I'm a no-code engineer, organizing tools geek and Notion fan.

In this blog, I plan to share my thoughts and experience related to self-development, organizing, and productivity. Please, follow me if you are interested.

Recently I have published my Notion course "Smart Habit Tracker. Use Notion Like a Pro". I will be glad to see you there!

I worked as a software developer building huge applications. But I always wanted to create software for my personal needs, my life processes and collaborations.

My no-code adventure started from Notion. And it was the One. This tool was a missing puzzle to make it possible to craft software that is best suitable for me. This notebook of new generation opens the whole new world of no-code platforms which are powerful enough to let us create quick and flexible solutions without investing months of work into it.


Living today we face a challenge to survive in the world of information.

Having all these informational technologies around it's easy to loose track and get unfocused or fall into anxiety.

But I believe that modern technologies, new applications and information availability are here to make us stronger. They are here to serve us instead of us serving them. We just need to know how to use them right.

That's why mindfulness and thoughtful approach in designing routines for my daily professional and personal life are my key values.