Why Doreen Virtue stating demons misled her into making oracle cards is not surprising

Kristen A Hemming
4 min readApr 24, 2019


When I read Doreen Virtue’s post a few days ago telling people that demons misled her to create her oracle cards, that you should not use your intuition or psychic abilities expect for Jesus, called everyone sinners, and not to listen to false prophets, I wasn’t surprised. I have no doubt that the fear that Doreen Virtue is feeling by believing that she is putting every person who purchased her oracle cards, books, and workshops has put their souls at risk is real to her.

I think this has also created some upset and fear in the new age community. Mostly because a long standing and trusted person in the community did a complete one eighty in their spirituality. Plus the idea that demons are behind creating oracle cards and you are speaking to demons, not angels can freak out anyone without a deep connection to their spirituality and sense of self.

I don’t know Doreen Virtue personally, or the reason why she had a shift in her spirituality. What I know is that a person usually has a shift in spiritual thinking when they feel something is lacking from their life, have had a traumatic experience, or meet a person of influence that has a different spiritual belief. This new spirituality fills them up. This is what I have seen happen with people that follow this dogmatic religion of “born again christian”.

I wanted to put some context around what Doreen Virtue is saying and why she is saying it to you so consistently since she converted.

The first and foremost of this is original sin. The idea that every person is born carrying the sin of Adam turning from God, that a person is born a sinner, is as old as the story of Adam and Eve. It became more formalized as an idea of Christianity in late 300s and early 400s A.D. with the writings of St. Augustine. He who was the Bishop of Hippo which is now Algeria. Augustine was certain that the consequence of the original sin was damnation. Even a newborn baby before baptism was a sinner. The only way you could avoid hell was being baptized and give your life over to God’s grace and in Ms. Virtue’s faith, Jesus.

During that time, Christianity was still in the early stages as a religion. Augustine wrote the theory to help solidify the ideas of the church. It helped to explain why some people have a desire to behave badly, justified baptizing babies as soon as possible after birth, demonstrates that human beings are reliant on God’s grace and goodness. It also contradicted or in rebuttal with an English theologian called Pelagius (he believed nurture over nature for sin)

So in Doreen Virtue’s eyes, if we have not embraced the born again christian faith, we are all sinners. It’s the dogma of the religion. If we embrace anything that is not related to Jesus, it is demonized so that those things are no longer used. Her belief that demons misled her making sense?

Around the same time, the Gnostic religion was also using the teachings of Jesus. They were using portions of teaching that aren’t in the bible. Remember, the bible is curated and chapters have been removed through the church’s history. This has been for consistent messaging of their beliefs, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We edit and improve upon ideas throughout our lives, so do organizations, even religious ones.

There were philosophical differences between Gnosis and Christianity. Here are a few of them. In Gnosis, God is everywhere and in everything, so you did not need a leader to commune with God. Because God was everywhere and everything, you did not need a temple or building to pray. in Lastly, women were seen as psychic, could be prophets and share the words of God. Before Salem witch trials, before the inquisition, the Catholic religion began to say that being psychic was evil and false. At this time, paganism was still a large religion, it was mostly women who held seer or prophetic rank. This belief that psychics not speaking of Jesus are evil is as old as Christianity itself.

Because Catholicism was more organized, it stamped out Gnosis. People of the Gnostic faith were forced to renounce their faith in public. Those who did not were crucified. All of this is the church consolidating its power. These beliefs, in various strengths, are still part of all branches of Catholicism.

She also spoke about not following false prophets and although her context was about Jesus false prophets, I’m going to take her statement out of context and use it on my own terms. We should not be following any false prophets.

In our society today, our lives are filled with gurus and social media influencers that we follow and believe. It’ reminds me of a baby being spoon fed. The mouth opens when hearing the sound effect of a motorboat or airplaine for that spoonful of strained peas for us to swallow. I think this is one of the reasons why so many are upset and disillusioned with Doreen Virtue. She became a guru for many people.

There seems to be this continuous searching for the next best fulfilling person or thing that is going to make us happy. We are not all goodness and light. We can’t avoid the dark or shadow side of us. It’s the feeling and acknowledgement of all our emotions that allows us to heal. The idea that you can love and light everything away is called AVOIDANCE. Find the center within yourself. Feel your feelings. Honour and acknowledge them, and then let them go. While your at it, kiss Doreen Virtue good bye and send her on her way.

Note: If you want more details about the history or Gnosis and early Christianity, research historian and Professor of Religious Studies, Elaine Pagel



Kristen A Hemming

Clinical Hypnotherapist, intuitive, & High Priestess. Teaching others how to shift out of being stuck through the reclaiming of their free spirits.