Kristene Feldhaus
1 min readDec 14, 2015

Moving forward

Today as I read the Des Moines Register, and saw my picture on the page, I realized the importance of my task ahead. The next eight weeks will be full of what I see in the political world, that would lead me to a conclusion, on who should lead this country. Right now I am seeing that Rick Santorum believes everything that I do. Rick is pro-life and has worked on bills that would protect unborn babies. He understands the importance of the family unit and does not shy away from that topic. Rick understands the importance of a strong military and properly funding our military. Rick has a record that shows he and I share the same thoughts on many issues. In 2012, Rick won Iowa, which shows that Iowans believed in his leadership then. Rick Santorum is by far the easiest candidate to speak with. I have met him twice in the last nine months. Each time Rick answered my questions directly. There were no political answers. The answers were real and honest. I suggest that my followers watch Ricks movement throughout Iowa. There has not been a candidate so focused on Iowans and Rick knows the importance of our votes. Iowans are needed more than ever in this crucial election. One vote can change everything!

Kristene Feldhaus

Stay at home mom who wants to change the direction of the country.