Buzzfeed quiz ideas for anyone looking to accelerate the demise of our species

Are you more Hannah Montana or Miley Stewart?

Kristen Karenina
2 min readMar 14, 2019
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Which Trump family member are you most like according to how often you cry yourself to sleep at night?

Tell us how how many hours per day you spend doing Buzzfeed quizzes in a futile attempt to distract yourself from the emptiness inside, and we’ll tell you which nail shape suits you best.

We can guess where you live with 3 questions, and we can also guess when your home will become uninhabitable due to climate change.

Give us some really personal data about yourself and we’ll sell it to advertisers and the government to strengthen the capitalist surveillance state whoops kidding we’ll tell you which dog you are.

Go on a shopping spree at Gucci and we’ll tell you why everyone you love goes away in the end.

We can tell how much internalized misogyny you carry based on your which Ariana Grande songs you pick.

These detailed questions about cheese curds will determine which Jonas brother you are destined to kidnap and keep in your basement for decades until he escapes but ultimately returns after realizing it’s really hard out there in this cold world.

Survey: Do your opinions on murder match everyone else’s?

Tell us how many dark corners of the office you’ve pooped in as a quiet form of revenge, and we’ll tell you if you should get bangs.

Are you more Hannah Montana or Miley Stewart based on the size of your collection of old fingernail clippings?

Tell us your address, date of birth, and social security number and we’ll tell you which Taylor Swift song is your jam.

We can guess if you’re a millennial or Gen Z based on your answers to a few simple questions about which knives you prefer to stab people with.

How many abortions have you had? Come on, just tell us: we won’t tell anyone!!

Spend a paycheck at Urban Outfitters and we’ll tell you which life-saving medical treatment will render you unable to buy food or cover rent for the next decade.

I’ll be very surprised if you get more than 7/9 on this quiz about how online news outlets use the personal information that you willingly supply them with.

Distract yourself with a fake shopping spree and questions about dogs and we’ll tell you how capitalism is isolating people from one another as they sit in their tiny apartments night after night planning fake weddings and choosing their favourite cats to feed their rampant narcissism and fool themselves into thinking this is living….is this really living, Janet?!

We know how lonely and boring your life is based on whether or not you’re doing a Buzzfeed quiz right now.



Kristen Karenina

writing about mental health, pop culture, and feminism. always silly. 💖