Introducing the Pull Request from Edify

Kristen Gallagher
2 min readAug 1, 2017

You might’ve noticed that Edify recently spiffed up our branding, started creating worksheets you can use to make onboarding programs better, has been busy putting out a bi-weekly podcast (Up Right & Better) and giving talks, and we just announced our first conference (Human.School). One could say that we’ve been busy! But, one might also say, “how do I learn about all the stuff?! How do I keep track of the talks, workshops, conferences, blog posts, worksheets — all of it?!”

Well, we’ve heard you! And because we have so much more coming (helpful tools, open-access resources, podcast episodes, and more), we decided to revamp and rebrand our monthly newsletter.

Introducing the Pull Request from Edify!

First things first: why call a newsletter a pull request, and what even is that? Well:

“Pull requests let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a GitHub repository. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.” — From Github’s Using Pull Requests Page*

We’re calling the once-monthly, now bi-weekly newsletter the Pull Request because we believe that by curating the most useful, actionable, digestible information about onboarding, manager development, and knowledge management into one short & sweet letter, we’re encouraging folks to “pull” from it. Is it on GitHub? Well, no (not yet). Is it in the spirit of a pull request? Yes, most definitely.

Edify’s first and foremost commitment is to technology employees. We believe that the challenges of the tech & startup world are magnified for employees: rapid growth, extreme information overload, opportunity for advancement, and more are all market givens that the companies themselves face, but in turn are delivered to employees in the form of having to “drink from the firehose” or being “thrown in the deep end.” Edify believes that not only do these things not have to happen the way they do, but that they’re painful and expensive problems that hurt both companies and employees.

So, to do our part in rebuilding the information economy for the better, we’re excited to release the Pull Request. Look to Edify for trusted information (read: no click-baity lists of 143 things you need to correctly onboard employees) and actionable insights. We hope you’ll join in — submit your pull request here!

*If you’re unfamiliar with pull requests, here’s a great tutorial!

