I Made $3,043 Last Month on Amazon KDP by Analyzing Best Selling Books with ChatGPT

Here are the results + what I did.

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: Canva Pro

As someone who is actively working to build a publishing company, one of my favorite hobbies is studying books that are selling well on Amazon.

Occasionally, I do case studies on them.

This is one of my favorites —

However, I’m looking for clues that will help me sell more copies of my existing books or create new books that can potentially become best sellers in their category.

So far, this practice has paid off.

Last month in March, I earned over $3,000 from ten titles on Amazon.

Screenshot by author

My latest book, which I published in January after using the AI research method that I’m about to share with you, brought…

