Authentic Role Modeling

Kristi Lee Schatz
7 min readFeb 11, 2019

Authentic role modeling is about a self well-expressed. The way you show up, the grace in which you handle tough situations, and the permission you give yourself to be authentic and vulnerable can greatly influence another person.

It’s not about giving unsolicited advice or thinking you know what is best for someone else. When your inner light shines on someone it helps them see themselves. You are not here to fix anyone. You are simply here to evolve and freely express yourself so that others may see the possibilities and the beauty of imperfection.

Role modeling is about holding unconditional space for another person’s experience. The deeper your inner dive, the easier it becomes to sit with another person without the need to change them. Your smile, eye contact, genuine curiosity, humility, and ability to truly listen can be a catalyst for others to feel seen and heard. As mentioned earlier, many of us have never felt truly seen, partly because we hide ourselves and partly because of the projections we experience from others.

It’s time to break this cycle. As you develop yourself and choose each moment to fully express, you will create a ripple effect around you.

We must not underestimate how much children look up to us as role models. It’s not about what you say to them, but how your presence feels to them. Your inner…



Kristi Lee Schatz

Writer | Coach | Speaker | Psych Geek. Featuring life hacks, rewiring the brain & improving mindset.