What Does Interpersonal Communication Skills Training Add to My Life?

kristine smith
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Interpersonal communication can be a tricky subject to understand, especially for people who are unfamiliar with it. Without a doubt, the nature of communication is one of the most important aspects of human interaction and a great deal of time and energy is dedicated to mastering the art of communicating. To some people, communicating is an art, but for others, it is just a way of life.

In fact, interpersonal communication skills training is a significant part of the whole socialization process. Unfortunately, it is also the area that can be the most challenging and yet is most crucial to all relationships.

Just as a man may learn to cook for himself or herself, learn the art of singing or writing in order to satisfy his or her whole life’s desire, a person will need to learn how to communicate effectively. The experience in adulthood is greatly enhanced by learning effective interpersonal communication skills. It’s the only way a person will grow and realize his or her full potential. Without communication, a person has very little to offer the world.

To start out learning the art of interpersonal communication, a person will have to consider and analyze all the different aspects of communication. Among these aspects are the various manners of dealing with the person with whom we are communicating. There are three basic types of communication.

The first type, external expression, is what most people think of when they hear the word communication. A person engages in verbal communication, which is a mode of expression to other people. This type of communication uses words, gestures and facial expressions to convey to others the content of the person’s thought. This type of communication typically takes place between two persons and is usually one-way.

Individual expression, on the other hand, is a form of communication that involves someone else to speak for the individual. One can use a typewriter, a telephone or any other kind of written method of communication. Individual expression is a two-way communication, where the person employing the method is doing so to communicate with another individual. Individual expression can take place between two persons, but it can also take place between two institutions, groups, or corporations.

The third kind of communication, and probably the most common form of one-way communication, is the oral form of communication. In this type of communication, a person communicates orally with another individual, wherein the content of the speech or message conveyed through the mouth is what is being communicated.

These different kinds of communication involve words, facial expressions, gestures, etc. and when the person using the method communicates, the message is being conveyed to someone else.

When learning how to communicate effectively, one must be able to adapt a skill and develop it into an efficient and valuable skill. Here are a few tips to consider:

- Learn to use personal pronouns, and how to properly use them when speaking. Learn how to properly give an opinion or give an address to someone, how to use words to connote compliments and how to express how you feel.

-Learn to read body language. Learn to read the body language of a person and accurately predict his or her behavior based on the way he or she looks. This will help you better understand how a person communicates and understand that body language you should watch out for.



kristine smith

Hi, I am Kristene Smith. I work with a Team Development Firm. I help to build cohesive, high performing teams as participant. https://www.action-strategies.com/