Finding Water in the Apocalypse…or a Regular Emergency

Kristine Elizabeth Wolfe
3 min readMar 12, 2023
Image purchased from Canva

Should disaster strike, one of the most important elements of survival is finding sources of water. A little preparation can go a long way in staving off a potential problem. In an emergency, every person in your household will need a gallon of water a day as a baseline. When planning, don’t forget any family critters you may have because they will need water, too! Listed below are ways to find water or purify water that you have found.

Basics to Getting Started
1) Stock up on bottled water for your home. FEMA suggests storing a two-week supply for your family. Although if you trust the government as much as I do, you may want to consider storing more water if space allows. Create a FIFO (First in/first out) method for rotating your water to ensure the bottles aren’t too old.

2) Don’t forget that juices/soda/other liquids can also be used as water.

3) If you know an emergency is coming (such as a winter storm) where you may need extra water, fill up your bathtub, sinks, and possibly some large pots. It’s better to have water and not need it then to need it and not have it.

4) Hot water tanks hold fresh water that can be used in an emergency. The average tank holds 40 gallons of water, but large ones may hold as much as 80 gallons. Check your tank to…



Kristine Elizabeth Wolfe

Published fiction writer. Non-fiction essayist. All things gardening and apocalyptic. Author of Fractions of Sanity. Fanatical dog mom.