A Life of Perpetual Travel

Kristin Wilson
9 min readAug 27, 2018

How to Know When Enough is Enough

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

If Facebook Pages are any indication, 10 billion people “like” travel. Is there anything we like more in the world? (Ok — don’t answer that.) Most of us enjoy visiting new places and exploring different cultures, but one of the reasons we are so drawn to travel is certainly the mystique of “getting away from it all.”

We’ve somehow convinced ourselves, albeit subconsciously, that we can travel away from our problems.

At face value, travel is exhilarating and fun. It allows us to come alive in a unique way. It helps us exist in the present moment (carpe diem!).

It’s also an escape.

A universal ideal people hold about travel is that by briefly changing our geographic location, things will be different when we get home. We’ve all said or thought the same at one time or another.

For digital nomads, in particular, a life of perpetual travel can be a dangerous trap. An endless closed loop where enough is never enough. A quest for an insatiable collection of passport stamps.

The saying “too much of a good thing is a bad thing” really applies here.



Kristin Wilson

100M+ Views | Author of Digital Nomads for Dummies | Host of the Traveling with Kristin Podcast & YouTube Channel https://travelingwithkristin.com/relocation