One Simple Trick to Help You Stick with Habits and Accomplish Your Goals

Kristin Wilson
6 min readJun 18, 2020

It’s no secret that forming new habits and achieving long-term goals is hard. After all, 92% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions. There are many reasons for this, but productivity guru, James Clear, says that people fail because they focus on the outcome instead of the process.

You know you can’t rely on willpower alone to help you cross the chasm between where you are and where you want to be. You’ve tried that strategy plenty of times and it doesn’t work. Motivation eventually wanes and you’re back where you started. I get it. I’ve been there (more than once). But I found a solution.

After becoming frustrated with false starts and slow progress towards achieving my goals, I looked to Clear’s book, Atomic Habits (affiliate link), for advice. In it, he recommends reverse engineering big goals and breaking them down into tiny, daily behaviors. Repeat this process long enough and success becomes inevitable. Sounds simple, but I still struggled.

After two years of following his strategy, however, I’ve realized that there’s one thing that has helped me keep taking small steps every day. The secret is keeping your goals top of mind.

Now, hear me out — that doesn’t mean you can set some goals, try to remember them, and call it a day. It…

