Learn to Appreciate Who You See In the Mirror. Photo by Brad Lloyd on Unsplash

7 Easy Ways You Can Appreciate Yourself More

You Do It So No One Else Has To

Kristin van Tilburg
8 min readFeb 4, 2019


When you learn to appreciate yourself it no longer matters so much whether or not anyone else appreciates you. Sure, gaining the approval and accolades of others is always nice. But when you appreciate yourself the approval of others is more like icing on the cake, rather than the cake itself.

Knowing your worth is a key to enjoying life. It seems our humble beginnings as infants, the relative powerlessness we all experience as well-meaning caregivers let us cry ourselves to sleep, makes a sense of worthiness fleeting.

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”
Michel de Montaigne

For this reason, it is very, very common for adults to seek approval from others, and to live in an unconscious competition with every other person within range to get attention and appreciation from other people.

Once you recognize this phenomena and decide to supply yourself generously with appreciation and accolades you automatically coat yourself with an almost bullet-proof shield that allows you to live a satisfying and authentic life.

Self-deprecation and self-hatred are running rampant in our modern world. We often take ourselves for granted. Critics are everywhere. Most…



Kristin van Tilburg

Writer for Thought Catalog and Publishous. ****** Guiding savvy Entrepreneurs from good to great in their businesses with the CSM process.