Finding Passion and Doing Things Alone

Kristjan Bajuk
3 min readNov 4, 2022

Solitude often gets a bad rap. Being alone is all too often equated with loneliness. But being alone is not the same as loneliness.
Doing things by yourself allows you to enjoy activities you love at your own pace and in your own way. Through solitary pursuits, you learn more about yourself and reflect on your experiences.

Being Alone vs. Loneliness 💆‍♂️

It is important to remember that being alone and loneliness are two very different things. Loneliness involves being isolated despite wanting social connections, whereas being alone means taking time for yourself between regular social interactions.

The Benefits of Being Alone 🚀

Most research suggests that too much social isolation takes a serious toll on both physical and mental health. But there are benefits to spending time on your own, as long as you balance it by maintaining strong and supportive social connections.

📍It can improve concentration and memory
📍It makes your interests a priority
📍It boosts creativity
📍It improves your relationships
📍It makes you more productive
📍it makes you more empathic

Being alone is an important part of self-development. It allows you to get to know yourself. When you are surrounded by others, you might set your own ideas and passions aside in order to appease the wants and needs of friends and family.

Taking time on your own gives you a critical opportunity to make creative choices and focus your attention without worrying about what other people are thinking.

How many times have you wanted to see a buzzed-about film or been dying to check out a new restaurant or go to a concert, but you couldn’t find someone to go with? Chances are, you stayed home.

The LA Times interviewed almost 100 people and found that only 30% of them would be willing to go to the movies alone

Finding Passion 🔥

I noticed in the last 10 years that more and more of the younger generations say that they don’t have any passions and that they don’t know what they like or want to do in life.

Passion is the most important thing in life and to find it, the first thing to do is to start doing things alone or just start doing something, move — Don’t just wait for things to happen to you. A good example I heard in Aidea Podcast recently was where Andrej P. Skraba said something along these lines — When you bring a child to the playground and he sees Legos and slides, he won’t try to figure out what he likes more, should he go on the slides or should he play with Legos. A child will just go and play.

I think more people should just go and play.

Having fun on your own isn’t an anomaly — it’s an underappreciated source of happiness. Shed the chains of social inhibition. Make a reservation today, for one.

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📸 Photo was taken from my recent solo endeavor — Royal Albert Hall in London before experiencing Gustav Mahler Symphony no. 8

Drop a comment about what was the recent alone activity that you enjoyed ✌️

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Kristjan Bajuk

Web3 Developer at || Very passionate about Blockchain technology and strong believer in open, decentralised and transparent future