Individual commitment to a group effort…

Kristjan Košič
2 min readNov 9, 2018


Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work — Vince Lombardi

With these exact words, I first announced my proposal for delegacy as nothing but a simple community member and ARK enthusiast. I still believe in those words. Over the last year and a half I have been given a life changing opportunity and a great responsibility to this community. At all times, I took that responsibility seriously and did what I thought was in the best interest of ARK as a whole.

Over time, my involvement in the ARK project has grown from community member, to community developer, to delegate, to hackathon participant, to official team member, and now, it is with great honour that I have accepted the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the ARK ECOSYSTEM, SCIC. With this new role and responsibility to the ARK team, I believe it is time for me to resign the role of delegate within the network and move my individual effort from the community and delegacy, to focusing all of my energy towards the success of the development team.

ARK delegates and the ARK DPOS consensus, image by community member Skeuo

A delegates role is to protect and secure the network by running a quality service, but it is also to provide a last line of defence from centralisation. That centralisation can come from malicious actors, cartels, or in some cases, the development team themselves. It is this last piece that makes me uncomfortable holding both roles within the system. As the CTO of ARK and a guiding force for the development team, I will at all times hold some form of bias, intentional or not, towards the work the development team conducts and the updates they prepare. This hinders me from being objective from a community and delegate standpoint in a way that I believe compromises my ability to properly serve the role of the delegate.

As such, I am notifying my voters of my decision to resign as a delegate within the ARK network and will be officially resigning within the system itself once the new transaction type becomes available. If you are currently a voter of the “chris” delegate or have voted for me in the past, thank you for the support and trust you put in me during my delegacy. This has been an amazing experience and I feel honoured to have been a part of this group and to have called myself an ARK Delegate.

Kristjan Kosic
Chief Technology Officer,

