Connecting To Your True Self: Unlocking The Power Of The Pineal (Third Eye)

20 min readAug 2, 2023


Consider for a moment, the feeling of being lost. Not just physically lost, like when you take a wrong turn in an unfamiliar city, but lost within your own life.

A sense of disconnection, of being unanchored from the world around you, and most critically, from yourself.

We live in a generation built by ego.

It has created an industry of materialism.

Where we get rewarded by our outer environment and not our inner environment.

Money, looks, status, cars, houses, and job titles are what we’re told to achieve.

It gets rewarded on TV, billboards, and advertisement, our own family preaches it.

We’re exposed to this every day.

That is all the outer environment.

Rarely do you see humans get recognized for their inner environment?

Stillness, balance, happiness, calmness, clarity, and peace.

The system has programmed our subconscious to worry about the behaviors that will lead to unhappiness. It has kept us distracted from what is truly important — happiness.

This article will be about looking inward:

  • We’ll be uncovering the mysteries of the pineal gland (third eye)
  • How this may be the answer to our happiness
  • Benefits to the physical and spiritual body
  • How to take care of the gland
  • The key things we’ll want to stay away from
  • And how to active it

Did This Really Happen To Me?

There was a period of my life when I felt overwhelmed. Work was demanding, family life was hectic, and personal goals were being overlooked.

I was in a vicious cycle of stress, sleeplessness, and frustration.

I felt like I was losing touch with who I was and what truly mattered to me.

Then one day, I started reading about the pineal gland. This tiny, pine-cone-shaped organ, nestled deep within the brain, is the so-called ‘third eye’.

The pineal gland, I discovered, was more than just a biological entity, more than just a controller of sleep patterns.

For centuries, it’s been associated with spiritual insight, deep intuition, and personal enlightenment.

Could this tiny gland be the compass I needed, to navigate the stormy seas of my life? Could it help me reconnect with my true self, my core values, and my sense of purpose? The journey to find out was about to begin.

I came across this text:

This seventeenth-century French philosopher and mathematician, who said, “I think, therefore I am,” needed a source for those thoughts. Introspection showed him that it was possible to think only one thought at a time. From where in the brain might these unpaired, solitary thoughts arise? Descartes proposed that the pineal, the only singleton organ of the brain, generated thoughts. In addition, Descartes believed the pineal’s location, directly above one of the crucial byways for the cerebrospinal fluid, made this function even more likely.

“The pineal gland is the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.” — René Descartes

Imagine a small lighthouse, solitary and bright, sitting in the vast sea of the brain. Just as a lighthouse guides the ships through dark, uncertain waters, the pineal gland guides our internal processes, signaling the brain when it’s time to wake and when it’s time to sleep. It stands resolute amidst the ever-changing tides of our consciousness.

In the last 18 months, I’ve had some deep encounters.

There have been over 10 occasions that I’ve left my physical body. It’s not possible to explain in words.

I wish all humans can experience this blissful feeling.

It’s like feeling complete oneness.

All 4 trillion genes are vibrating at the same frequency as Earth and the cosmos.

It does not feel like I am in my body. It feels like I am an energy being experiencing frequencies and the physical body is no longer there.


Yes, Scientist has proven that we’re energies living in a physical body. But, we’re only able to feel what the 5 senses allow us to.

This is something completely different.

To some — this may sound terrifying.

And to others — this may sound like the most blissful experience on earth.

All I can say is when I come back to my physical body and out of the trance-like feeling — I feel like I have healed my soul.

My soul feels older.

This is the feeling monks aim to achieve with all the years of meditation.

OK — you may be wondering. Kris, you probably achieved this feeling on some psychedelic.

The answer to that is…

Yes and no.

My goal was to achieve this with the tools that my body can produce.

Then, I wanted to experience it using plant medicine.

I experienced this feeling doing the following:

  • Sylva Method Meditation (Once)
  • Flame Meditation (Once)
  • Breath work Ceremonies (Twice)

I then experienced it 5 more times, but this was with Mama Aya. The beautiful vein of ayahuasca.

I’ll keep these stories for another video.

I’ll be sharing all the tips and what I’ve done to treat my body, mind, and spirit as a temple. This has allowed me to connect with my intuition and soul in a profound way.

Introducing the Pineal Gland

Its name comes from Latin pineus, relating to the pine, pinus. This little organ is no bigger than the nail of your pinkie finger.

It resembles a tiny pine cone.

It’s about the size of a grain of rice (5–8 mm) in humans.

The pineal gland is situated in a very unique spot in the brain. Every other part is paired, meaning they have a left and a right side.

You have the left and right frontal lobes.

The pineal gland is the only unpaired organ…

Image from the book Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

It has baffled scientists from the West for the last 2,000 years.

Yet, in the East they have called the pineal gland “the third eye”. Without even knowing that there is a pineal gland there…

As humans, we have a habit of seeking answers externally. When we are lost or disconnected, we look outside ourselves for a path to follow.

We scrutinize our relationships, our work environment, and our social circles.

We identify external factors that we believe are causing our confusion or discomfort.

If we’re feeling aimless or unhappy, we might change jobs, move to a new city, or seek advice from friends or therapists.

This outward-focused perspective isn’t necessarily wrong.

Our surroundings and interactions do shape us in significant ways.

However, it’s not the full picture. This perspective often overlooks a crucial dimension of self-understanding: the inward journey.

The exploration of our own consciousness, our thoughts, emotions, and deeply ingrained patterns of thinking.

We are complex beings, and our sense of self is woven from a multitude of internal and external threads.

One internal thread that is often overlooked, even unknown to many, is the role of the pineal gland. This tiny gland, embedded deep within our brain, is largely recognized for its role in regulating sleep and wake cycles.

But could it be doing more than that? Could it be serving as a bridge between our external sensory experiences and our internal world of thoughts, feelings, and intuitions?

Ancient cultures and modern spiritual teachers, as well as a growing number of scientists and philosophers, suggest that the pineal gland might indeed have a deeper, more spiritual function.

They propose that this tiny gland could be the key to unlocking profound realms of consciousness, facilitating an understanding of our true selves far beyond what our external circumstances can offer.

Yet, our common perspective tends to focus on what we can see, touch, and easily explain.

It prioritizes our interaction with the physical world while largely ignoring the uncharted landscape of our inner world.

The potential of the pineal gland, along with other internal pathways to self-discovery, is left unexplored.

Let’s Talk Science

Melatonin: The Dreaming Neurotransmitter

The primary function of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin, a hormone derived from serotonin.

Melatonine like DMT is a tryptamine.

Melatonin regulates sleep patterns in both seasonal and circadian rhythms.

Your body’s internal clock, which is set by the amount of light you get each day, controls how much melatonin your pineal gland makes.

Melatonin is highest between the hours of 1 am and 4 am and induces rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is a phase of the circadian rhythm that causes dreaming.

It’s important to note that when cortisol levels go up (the stress chemical), melatonin levels go down.

If you lower the levels of cortisol, melatonin will increase.

In other words, when you break the stress response by overcoming the emotional addiction to those chemicals, your body can go back to long-term building projects.

Benefits on the physical body

Pulled from DR, Joe Dispenza’s book — Becoming Supernatural

Scientific facts about the body producing melatonin:

  • Stops the excess secretion of cortisol in response to stress — Helps control the release of stress hormones.
  • Improves carbohydrate metabolism — Helps your body better process carbs.
  • Lowers triglyceride levels — Helps reduce the amount of certain fats in your body.
  • Inhibits atherosclerosis — Helps prevent the hardening of your arteries.
  • Heightens the immune response — Helps strengthen your body’s defenses against illnesses.
  • Decreases the development of certain tumors — Helps slow down the growth of some types of cancer.
  • Activates a neuroprotective role in the brain — Helps protect your brain’s health.
  • Increase REM sleep — Helps improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Stimulates free radical scavenging (anti-aging, antioxidant) — Helps fight off damaging substances in your body, promoting overall health and slowing aging.
  • Promotes DNA repair and replication — Helps your cells repair and reproduce themselves correctly.

Other Key Notes:

Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism: Some studies suggest the pineal gland may also have a role in the regulation of bone metabolism and growth, given its involvement in the regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis.

Reproductive Function: In some animals, the pineal gland plays a crucial role in the inhibition of sex hormones to prevent precocious sexual maturation. In humans, however, this function is not well-understood and is a topic of ongoing research.

In the book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” by Dr. Rick Strassman he explores how the pineal could be the spirit gland.

The pineal makes mind-altering amounts of endogenous DMT.

For any chemical to qualify as a spirit molecule, it must at least possess psychedelic effects. Does melatonin’s striking chemical similarity to DMT and 5-methoxy-DMT mean that it also is profoundly psychoactive?

One of the coolest hypotheses I read was that the pineal gland produces psychedelic amounts of DMT at extraordinary times in our lives.

Pineal DMT production is the physical representation of non-material, or energetic, processes. It provides us with the vehicle to consciously experience the movement of our life force in its most extreme manifestations. Specific examples of this phenomenon are the following:

  • When our individual life force enters our fetal body, the moment in which we become truly human, it passes through the pineal and triggers the first primordial flood of DMT.
  • Later, at birth, the pineal releases more DMT.
  • In some of us, pineal DMT mediates the pivotal experiences of deep meditation, psychosis, and near-death experiences.
  • As we die, the life force leaves the body through the pineal gland, releasing another flood of this psychedelic spirit molecule.

The pineal gland possesses the highest levels of serotonin. Which is the main precursor for pineal melatonin.

The pineal also has the ability to convert serotonin to tryptamine.

This all contains the building blocks to make DMT.

The pineal gland also makes other potentially mind-altering substances, the beta-carbolines. These compounds inhibit the breakdown of DMT by the body’s monoamine oxidases (MAO). One of the most striking examples of how beta-carbolines work is ayahuasca. Certain plants that contain betacarbolines are combined with other plants that contain DMT to make this psychedelic Amazonian brew, which allows the DMT to become orally active. If it weren’t for the beta-carbolines, MAO in the gut would rapidly destroy this swallowed DMT, and it would have no effect on our minds.

What baffles me is the unique location. The pineal gland is not even made of brain tissue…

It comes from specialized cells originating in the roof of the fetal mouth.

Why is it found in all humans in the middle of the brain?

What is crazy to me is how there are tiny crystals in this tiny pineal gland.

And as some of you may know, crystals can be activated.

This text piqued my interest.

The pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin responsible for physiological circadian rhythm control. A new form of bio-mineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland and consists of small crystals that are less than 20 microns in length. These crystals are responsible for electromechanical, biological transduction mechanisms in the pineal gland due to their structure and piezoelectric properties.

In simple terms — the pineal gland contains calcite crystals made of calcium, carbon, and oxygen.

Image from the book Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

“Like an antenna, the pineal gland has the capacity to become electrically activated and generate electromagnetic fields that can tune in to information.” — Dr. Joe Dispenza

Several meditative disciplines bring about an intense fine-tuning of attention and awareness; for example, one-pointed focus on the breath. The brain’s electrical activity, as measured by the electroencephalogram, reflects this synchronization, or bringing together, of brain activity. Many studies have reported that experienced meditators produce brain wave patterns that are slower and better organized than those found in everyday awareness. The “deeper” the meditation, the slower and stronger the waves.

Let’s Talk Mystical

The mystical information about the pineal gland is what excites me.

In his book, “Becoming Supernatural,” Dr. Joe Dispenza introduces the idea of the pineal gland acting like a ‘radio antenna.’

He believes it can pick up signals from places beyond our normal world.

According to Dispenza, when we meditate and focus our thoughts on the pineal gland, we can start to experience more than our usual senses allow.

He says that when we get into a deep state of meditation and our brain activity slows down into theta wave patterns, our senses tune out the world around us.

As this happens, the pineal gland gets busier. Dispenza suggests that this can lead to unusual experiences like inner visions or moments of deep insight.

In simple terms, Dispenza’s work suggests that the pineal gland could be a sort of ‘dial’ that we can tune to experience higher states of consciousness.

This implies that our understanding of reality might be expanded and improved with conscious effort.

Image from the book Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Have you felt like you can feel the energy of other humans? Even animals? Any sentient being?

I do.

I believe it is coming from the pineal gland. The radio antenna in our brain.

If it’s considered to be able to pick up the energies and frequencies that other beings omit.

Then, if we become aware of the pineal gland, heal it, and treat it as the supernatural tool that it is, we can reach these elevated states.

It allows us to dig deeper within. To listen to our intuition.

Scientist has shown that the pineal gland becomes visible in the fetus at 7 weeks (49 days) after conception. This is the exact moment you can indicate if it’s a female or male.

What keeps me up at night is in Buddhism, they believe in reincarnation. I also believe in this.

What fascinates me is the belief that it takes the soul up to 49 days from when death happens to arrive at its next body (rebirth).

How can a 2500-year-old tradition believe that a soul takes up to 49 days to find its new ‘home’?

OK — stay with me here…

We spoke about how the pineal gland is the seat of the soul.

And the pineal gland is ‘built’ at 49 days of the seed in the womb…

It takes forty-nine days from conception for the first signs of the human pineal to appear. Forty-nine days is also when the fetus differentiates into male or female gender. Thus the soul’s rebirth, the pineal, and the sexual organs all require forty-nine days before they manifest.

Mind =blown

I do believe in reincarnation, I do believe that the pineal gland is an antenna, and I do believe that we choose our next home. The pineal gland is built at 49 days and it calls out to its next soul.

If you’ve heard the saying ‘old soul’ this is why. It is not your first time on Earth or your first time in the cosmos.

On that note — the pineal is the most active organ in the body at the time of death.

Does that mean the life force leaves the body through the pineal?

So again, I believe the pineal act as an antenna or lightning rod for the soul.

Egyptians have always baffled the modern age, and it’s about the baffle us again.

Have you heard about the ‘Eye of Horus’?

It signifies protection, power, and good health. It’s also a picture of the brain sliced in half with the pineal gland in the middle of it. It also looks like an eye…

The Egyptians must have known the significance of the autonomic nervous system and realized that activating the pineal gland meant they could enter the otherworld or other dimensions.

Have you heard of the Fibonacci Constant or Fibonacci’s Sequence? Also called the golden ratio.

This mathematical formula shows up everywhere in nature. You can see this pattern in sunflowers, seashells, pineapples, pinecones, eggs, and even the structure of our Milky Way galaxy.

If you superimposed this formula over the brain and began dividing squares while adding another square and another square, you’d get a fractal pattern, a never-ending pattern that repeats itself at every scale. Starting at the pineal gland, this formula outlines the exact structure of the brain (see Figure 12.13). Are you beginning to think there might be something special going on with the pineal gland?

Image from the book Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Sources from — The Collector

We did start off as seed…

Is that why we’re always evolving? Our brains have been getting bigger for millions of years.

In Greek methodology, Hermes was a messenger of the gods.

Hermes was able to move in and out of divine realms. He was considered a god of transitions and dimensions.

His main symbol was the caduceus… Which consists of 2 snakes wrapped around a rod, the top unfolds into wings or birds.

The caduceus is often considered a symbol of health…

Do you think those snakes moving up the staff represent the movement of energy up the spine from the body to the brain, and the wings the liberation of the self when the energy arrives at the pineal gland to signify enlightenment? The crown represents our highest potential and our greatest expression of the divine when we activate our pineal gland (represented by the pinecone). The crowning of the Self is the conquering of the self.

Image from the book Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Soulful Transformation: How the Pineal Gland Enhances Your Spiritual Body

We spoke about the benefit it has on the physical body.

Let’s chat about the benefits it may have on the spiritual body.

I’m going to speak from my soul and what I’ve noticed as the biggest upgrades in my life since raising awareness about the pineal gland.

  • Higher States of Consciousness: During specific meditations, and ceremonies I’m able to tap into an elevated state.
  • Increased Intuition: I am able to feel and see energies — I am also able to trust my gut without second guessing.
  • Expanded Perception: The connection I have with animals, plants, earth, the universe, and anything sentient.
  • Manifestation: Recently, I’ve been able to live the life I set out to live.
  • Inner Peace and Harmony: In the last few years, I’ve been able to achieve a balance that works for me.
  • Mystical Experiences: The opportunity to feel oneness.

Now, I’m sharing all this because if I can achieve these states.

Anybody can.

I am a sentient being like you.

Let me share the blueprint I’ve used to take care of my pineal gland.

Please remember, this has worked for me. It does not mean it will work for you.

It’s important to find what aligns with your human experience on this earth.

Nourish Your Third Eye: 7 Methods for Maintaining Pineal Gland Health

It has been over 5 years since I’ve adapted all these 7 methods.

There has been a lot of controversy around some of them. I live by the philosophy of doing what works for YOUR BODY.

Yes, it’s important to study, look at science, numbers, analytics, etc.

But, don’t forget. Every year new things get discovered that we had no idea about.

Think about the early 1950s.

Doctors would smoke in their offices and be on advertisement billboards recommending every human to smoke!

I take everything with a grain of salt. I filter it. And I will do what connects with my body. If it aligns with me and my philosophy, then sign me up for a test trial.

I’ve been vegan for over 5 years now. (I’ll make a video about this another time)

It works for me. It doesn’t work for everybody.

I strongly believe it has been the greatest thing for my physical, mental, and spiritual being.

Anyways — don’t take what I am saying and live by that. But, also don’t take what you’ve been told to believe and live by that.

Test it out yourself. Have your own thoughts, beliefs, and theories.

OK — let’s get to it.

  • Avoid Fluoride: As mentioned earlier, the pineal gland has crystals made from calcium, carbon, and oxygen. That is a magnet for fluoride. This leads to calcification. This prevents the gland’s ability to produce melatonin. If the gland is calcified, it will also remove its spiritual abilities.
  • Healthy Diet: Consuming a balanced, nutritious diet that’s high in antioxidants and low in processed foods can be beneficial. Some sources suggest that certain foods like apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, and raw cacao can help detoxify the pineal gland.
  • Meditation & Breathwork: As suggested by Dr. Joe Dispenza, specific meditative practices focusing on the pineal gland can activate and maintain its health. Breathing techniques, visualization, and mindfulness exercises can all contribute to this.
  • Sunlight: Exposure to sunlight is beneficial to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin in response to darkness and light.
  • Sleep: Ensuring you get a good amount of quality sleep each night can help regulate the pineal gland’s production of melatonin, promoting overall health.
  • Limiting Electronic Exposure & EMFs at Night: Overexposure to electronic devices at night can interfere with melatonin production, which the pineal gland regulates. By reducing screen time before bed, and shutting off your wifi, you can support healthier sleep cycles and pineal gland function.
  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help to regulate circadian rhythms, and by extension, the pineal gland’s function.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that these are habits you are most likely already doing.

It’s standard habits that will keep you in optimal health.

Next, let’s talk about the threats.

Threats to Your Third Eye: What to Avoid for Pineal Health

  • EMFs: Your pineal gland is basically a radio antenna. It’s recommended to shut off your wifi when you go to sleep to minimize any interference.
  • Fluoride: Get a filtration system. This is not only for the pineal gland. This is for your overall well-being. The body is approximately 60% water. Water is crucial. Especially good water. Another one is your toothpaste. Get fluoride-free toothpaste. No kidding you don’t swallow your toothpaste, regardless, prevent any possible consumption of fluoride. I know your dentist recommends this and that. Don’t forget, they went to school to master the mouth and teeth. They didn’t go to school to study the pineal gland. Also, doctors were recommending smoking just 70 years ago…
  • Alcohol & Tobacco: Do I need to say much about this one? These substances are often associated with a host of negative health effects, including potential damage to the pineal gland.
  • Caffeine: Don’t hurt me for mentioning this one. It may disrupt your sleep cycle and thus interfere with the pineal gland’s role in regulating sleep patterns.
  • Processed Food: The crime of the 21st century. These often contain preservatives and other chemicals which might not be good for overall health, including the health of the pineal gland.
  • Excessive Artificial Light at Night: Get yourself some blue blockers. Overexposure to artificial light, especially from electronic devices like smartphones and computers, can disrupt the pineal gland’s production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.
  • Calcium Supplements: Excessive intake of calcium supplements could potentially lead to calcification of the pineal gland. It’s always better to meet your nutrient needs through a balanced diet whenever possible.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can interfere with the optimal function of the pineal gland. This can be mitigated with stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.

Decalcifying Your Inner Eye: How to Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

As mentioned above — it’s the similar 6–7 things that need to be met.

I do like repetition to make sure it sticks.

This is crucial for holistic well-being.

We as humans deserve it. It’s our birthright.

  • Avoid Fluoride
  • Eat a Healthful Diet
  • Drink Filtered Water
  • Exercise and Spend Time Outdoors
  • Mediation
  • Supplement Wisely: Some supplements, such as iodine, boron, and magnesium, may support pineal gland health and potentially aid in its decalcification. Dr. Joe Dispenza also has some supplements to help with this. However, it’s essential to talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Pineal-Friendly Eating

Foods to Include

  • Organic Fruits and Vegetables: These are rich in antioxidants which can help protect the body (and by extension, the pineal gland) from damage by harmful molecules called free radicals.
  • Omega-3 Rich Foods: Foods like flaxseeds, and chia seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids which can help support brain health.
  • Turmeric and Raw Cacao: These are often suggested because they are rich in antioxidants. Turmeric in particular contains curcumin, which some believe may help protect the pineal gland.
  • Garlic and Beets: Some believe these foods can help detoxify the pineal gland, although scientific evidence for this claim is limited.

Foods to Avoid

  • Processed Foods: These often contain additives and preservatives, which could potentially harm the pineal gland.
  • Excessive Animal Protein: Any animal protein can lead to increased production of certain hormones which could potentially impact the health of the pineal gland. (Personally, any animal products produce negative energy towards the body)
  • Artificial Sweeteners and High Fructose Corn Syrup: These have been linked to a host of health problems and are best avoided for overall health.
  • Caffeine and Alcohol: These substances can interfere with the natural sleep-wake cycle, potentially disrupting the function of the pineal gland.
  • Foods High in Fluoride or Other Toxins: As mentioned previously, fluoride may accumulate in the pineal gland and affect its function. Foods grown with pesticides and other chemicals may also carry toxins that could potentially impact the health of the pineal gland. (Wash your veggies with Apple Cider Vinegar and always try to buy organic)

Ignite Your Inner Insight: Tips for Activating Your Pineal Gland

OK — now there are a few ways you can activate the pineal gland. I’ll share 5 key ones that I’ve done in the past.

I’ll also attach a video to a Dr. Joe Dispenza video that guides you through activation in less than 20 minutes.

  • Sun: As soon as you wake up in the morning go outside for 30 minutes. Allow the sunlight to hit your skin and eyes. This will give you a free energy boost.
  • Reduce Screen Time: Having a good morning and nighttime routine will set up your circadian rhythm for success. Which is your pineal gland.
  • Meditation: Now we can dive into the deep of it. Once you have the root figured out (circadian rhythm) we can apply the tools to activate it. A third eye meditation can really wake it up.
  • Breathwork: Certain breathing exercises have been known to activate and awaken the pineal gland. Allowing the pineal gland to vibrate with the breath. This one has worked best for me.
  • Chanting: This one is very famous in the Buddhist world. I also love this one.
  • Darkroom Therapy: Now this one is next on my list. If you never heard of dark room therapy… google that right now. You’re going into a dark room for 1–7 days. Pending on what you choose. To exposure to ANY light.
  • Brainwave Music: I do this every day. It helps me write, study, research, and get into a flow state.

Now go activate that magical spirit molecule in your brain.

Hope you enjoyed the read!

Link YouTube video of a Pineal Gland meditation

