Chapter 12: The Sweetness of Doing Absolutely Nothing

Kristy Gustafson
2 min readJul 10, 2018


Instagram: @justpassingthrough.novel

Holiday recovery mode is in full effect, and once again, I’m reminded of this phrase right here.

il dolce far niente.

How sweet it is to sit back and bask in the freedom of doing absolutely nothing.

In some form, this is written on the walls of our favorite places, overplayed on the radio of our hectic minds, and intertwined between way too many inspirational quotes on our social media newsfeeds. (Hmm, just me…?)

Dig a little deeper, and you’ll see it all blossoms from the art of tossing your worries aside for a while, giving your to-do list the finger, and allowing your mind and body the reset they need.

Human to human? Look around and you’ll see that we are always in a rush to get somewhere, to knock out our lists and tackle our projects, attend this event and that social gathering out of mere obligation, all the while duct taping that silent voice deep down begging us to “pull the grandma card,” slow the eff down, and focus on what we really need: some god damn peace and quiet.

So, I double dog dare you… (Yes, you.)

Find some time this week to stay completely present and do absolutely nada. Roll one, pour one, don’t multitask and don’t even think if you can help it.

The sweetness awaits. You don’t need permission.

. . .

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Kristy Gustafson

writer + modern-day explorer + author-to-be of "Just Passing Through" | instagram: @justpassingthrough.novel | pre-orders: