Let’s Design an ATM for Children

Kristy Chan
5 min readAug 14, 2019


The goal of this assignment is to practice thinking like a designer. As part of the course assignment, I am tasked to design an ATM for children. Thinking back to when I was little, I have zero to no experience of using an ATM. To me, it was just a big machine that adults use to get money. Now, I cannot help thinking if this can change the way that parents and children handle money.

Let’s get into it!

STEP 1: Empathize

What is an ATM?

As you all know, ATM allows users to withdraw and deposit cash or check without going to the bank across the world.

But How and why would a child use an ATM?

Most children do not have a bank account until their first job or at an older age. However, in reality, children are constantly exposed to money daily whether is getting lunch money or saving allowance for a toy. So why not turn this into a lesson for the children?

There are many benefits to letting children own a bank account. With proper education, it will increase a child’s sense of responsibilities and financial management skills. And it will come in handy if there is an emergency!

Let’s discover who will be the potential users!

The children we will be designing for range from ages 5–12.

I came up with a list of things that we have to consider while designing an ATM for children.

  • Might not be able to understand hard vocabulary
  • Short attention span
  • Love emojis and cartoons
  • Easier to learn with colors and shapes
  • Have a limited understanding of money or math
  • Dangerous to carry money
  • Higher possibility to lose things

What are the possibilities or features a kid may need for using an ATM?

  • Coin insert area
  • Adjustable height
  • Age-friendly interface
  • Facial recognition
  • Finger-print and facial recognition
  • Be able to set a goal
  • A mobile app that allows parent and children to manage budgets

User task flow:

I also came up with a simple task flow that shows how the children’s ATM works.

STEP 2: Define

There are many concerns and things to consider while designing an ATM for children. I have broken it out into four aspects: Interface, Physical ATM design, Educational, and Safety.


The ATM design should be colorful and fun to capture children’s attention. The design should meet the following requirements:

  • Simple vocabulary
  • Colorful interface
  • A bank avatar
  • Symbol and icons for each action


The physical ATM should be designed for children to avoid any possible trouble, for example, forgot their debit card or robbery.

  • Touch screen
  • Facial recognition and fingerprint authentication
  • Height adjustment
  • Emergency button
  • Big screen


Have you ever had a star chart at home to keep track of your success when you were little? How did you feel when you achieve the goal?

Check this out! The bank will allow children to set short term and long term goals and build an achievement board. This positive reinforcement experience will encourage children to save money and give them a sense of achievement!

An example would be a teenager wants to get a PSP. Instead of going to parents, they will be able to set a goal of saving $200 in their desired timeframe. The system will show their progress as they save money. After achievement, they will be able to share their success with friends and parents.


I cannot help to think that it will be dangerous for children to go to the ATM! They can easily become victims of robbery and bully. To prevent this from happening, the following restrictions should be applied:

  1. Children’s ATM is only available in bank branches during office hours when there are security and surveillance camera.
  2. It will require two-step verification from the guardians. Whenever a child is processing a transaction, the guardian will receive a text to confirm before the transaction is approved.
  3. There is an emergency button on the ATM in case there is a dangerous situation.

Step 3: Ideate/ Prototype

Here, I took the opportunity to design a prototype based on the four key areas I identified earlier.

  1. Facial recognition and security camera
  2. Facial recognition and security camera
  3. This is where users can insert coins and cash.
  4. Emergency button
  5. Fingerprint pad

Step 4: Test

The next step is to build the prototype and test it out with a few potential customers. I would love to further test out my design in the future and validate my hypothesis for creating an ATM for children to manage their money.

