Dear Mothers, please help us

From Daughters In Law who marry your sons with love ❤

Kritika Tripathi
3 min readAug 28, 2023

Dear Mothers, I can’t imagine the things you have done for your family, the sacrifices you have had to make. Your love is limitless. So here on behalf of all daughter-in-laws, who want to break the generational patterns of our lineage, the same age-old patriarchal mindset that you were once victim of. Will you help us to create a healthy environment for women?

Dear Mothers, do you remember when you saw an IAS officer and you wanted to be one but you were married off due to the time that existed back then? Will you be proud of our achievements, will you push us to grow more like you helped your own son? Or will you curb our dreams like yours was shut? Will you teach your son to help us in balancing work and home or will you let us struggle alone?

Dear Mothers, do you remember the pain you felt when you had to leave your family behind? Now imagine the pain in this era when marriages are happening in the late 20s and our attachment to our family has increased trifold. Will you help us ease our pain? Will you teach your son that our parents are growing older as well and just like you would love to see your son around, they would love to see us around? Will you help us increase that visit or will you let us suffer?

Dear Mothers, I know you strived to serve that delicious meal and that hot chapati. Do you remember that one day you wished someone sat you down and cooked for you with that same amount of love you did for everyone? But then expressing a desire is something that was not taught to women back then. And you kept inside that desire without any grudges because you are a mother after all. Will you help me not to repeat history and teach your son to once in a while serve me and you that hot chapati bringing us a smile?

Dear Mothers, do you remember the first time your husband disrespected you? Or when he didn’t take that trip you so desired or he didn’t allow you to visit your family? Do you remember that feeling? Will you please take care that pain isn’t inflicted on me? Will you teach your son how time is slipping, how bonding with the partner is important, and how that bonding will be the only thing we will have when our children will leave us to fulfill their desires? Will you fix our fights or push us apart?

Dear Mothers, you strived every day to fulfill every demand of your family. From their first tea in the morning to their clean garments to their last meal of the night. You worked relentlessly to see everyone smile. You were tired, but you still kept going. Will you let me divide the chores or shame me for not being as perfect as you were?

Dear Mother, I know we don’t have patience like you. We are the product of this new century, a fast-paced one. Will you help us to learn all those wonderful qualities that we didn’t get time to learn because we were running after dreams or will you blame our parents for not teaching us enough? When we make a mistake will you protect us like you protected your son or will you leave us alone? Will you pamper your son’s grandiose sense of self that has come from generations or will you teach him some equality?

Dear Mother, will you let your son shower me with love or will that be a competition? A competition that is doomed to be a failure for everyone. Will you be insecure or trust us that we are here to share not to win?

What will you do Ma?

With love,
Your Daughters In Law ❤



Kritika Tripathi

I am a Software Engineer and I believe in finding the root cause in every dimension of life and writing helps me understand myself and world , so here i am :)