Chandler Muriel Bing — The one where his sarcasm is sidelined

Kritika Ponia
3 min readFeb 11, 2018


“Chandler Bing. BING!”

I may see a part of myself in Phoebe, Monica, and may be Ross, but I don’t really think I have anything in common with the Chan Chan Man.

I, however, learnt something very important from him: Don’t let anything get in the way of your career.

Did you notice that beneath all those layers of sarcasm and amazingly witty jokes was a man who always focused on his career? Throughout the series we saw him work hard and take his job very seriously even when he didn’t like it.

What’s Chandler Bing’s Job?!

Yes, even though for many seasons most of us didn’t know what he did and Rachel thought he was a Transpondster, we saw that he was well-to-do.

We could say the same thing about Ross too but the reason why I think Chandler is more inspirational in this regard is that he didn’t let the shit in his life affect his career. On comparison, you will notice that Ross had a fairly good time growing up while Chandler went through his parents’ divorce among other things. Hell, he started smoking at the age of 9!

But he did not let anything get in the way of his career!

“Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests, intelligence tests, personality tests…

and what do I learn? “You are ideally suited for a career in data processing for a large multinational corporation.”

This was one of my favorite episodes because it spoke a lot about Chandler’s dedication towards work. He desperately wanted to change his job but he didn’t know what to do! So, he chose career counseling. He took multiple tests. He did whatever he needed to in order to do what his heart says.

The tests results weren’t favorable, of course, but he did not give up. He realized that he needed to work even though he was not entirely happy. He knew he was paying his dues and he relented.

We all know he had a good job with good money. All that’s because despite hating his job, he did it well.

“Turns out they can’t fire me. Because I quit.”

The final straw was in season 9 when he had to celebrate Christmas in Tulsa. He realized that even if quitting meant giving up a great position, being jobless for an uncertain period of time, and having financial issues, it was time he risked it.

The fact that he had a very understanding and beautiful wife helped him further.

Sarcasm, humor, wit, brains, and great looks. . Could he BE any more perfect?

