Personification Of Persona

Rizki Rahmadi
3 min readOct 3, 2021


Persona is a fictional character which is created based on research. The point of making a persona is to define each user type that will use our application or services. This will also enhance your understanding of the user which obviously will have different needs. This can make design less complicated because we already know who we will design for.

There are several things that need to be kept in mind when making a persona. Such as:

Who do we design the app for

First of all, we have to know who our solution targets. Then, we can design for them. Each user group tends to have different behaviours, which also implies that we should have a different approach on designing our solution/software.

Will our solution solve their pain points?

After we decide on whom we will design, we have to think of their pain points and how to solve them. We can narrow down to the smallest problem and work upwards from that.

What do they want to achieve when using our app

Knowing our user’s goal is one of the most important things when we want to build an app. Since usually a product can have multiple user groups, most of them would have different goals too. So defining a persona is also helping keep track on how to implement the design.


In our project, we also made our very own persona, below are the results that we made:

These are the persona that we made for the project. The most important thing that a UX persona should have is listed below:

Name, age and occupation

Name, age and occupation is the most basic information that should be listed in our persona. This helps segment our users better and helps find similar patterns. For example, our team’s persona is Karen, age 55. We believe that people that are similar age would have the same motivation, pain points and goals when we use our app.


Motivation means what drives the user to use our service/application. From our persona, When using our app, Karen wants to finish her job fairly and quickly, that’s the reason Karen is using our app.

Goals and Frustration

Like what I stated before, each persona that we made should have a goal for themselves. In our case, Joe’s goal is slightly different from Karen. That’s ok, because it is normal for each person that uses our app to have different goals. For frustration, it can also indicate the pain points that a user is experiencing. Taking an example from our persona, Joe and Karen also have different frustrations. Joe wants to revamp the old peer reviewing method and Karen just wants to get her paper reviewed/reviewed.

That is for a quick summary on persona. Thanks for reading!



