Doctor Who regenerates into a woman. Jodie Whitaker will now be in the lead role.

Changes are OK. What can entrepreneurs learn from Doctor Who?

Катя Кролевська
5 min readAug 21, 2018


If you imagine that Doctor Who is a brand, you can learn something from the character. Did you change the logo? Is there a new face in the company? Don’t worry, follow the example of the Doctor. This is true for brands created around a famous figure.

Some things don’t change. I met Dr. Who in 2006. This is still the most interesting series I’ve ever seen. In each scenario there is the whole universe. Here you can gain knowledge in any field: relationships, psychology, negotiation or marketing.

It is most interesting to watch the main character, the owner of a time machine, an eccentric and charismatic man. And recently Doctor Who became a woman.

The main feature of the character is the ability to reincarnate. In my memory, this is the sixth incarnation of Dr. Who, and in the last 55 years there have been fourteen. How does he/she manage to keep a bunch of fans and friends all over the universe, even though he looks, behaves and dresses differently?

My first series of Doctor Who is The Girl in the Fireplace (Season 2, Episode 4)

1. He is true to principles and values.

The Doctor’s personality may change, but the principles by which he lives and acts never change.

When a company becomes a brand, it outlines the principles of work, at least for internal use. There is a mission for which it works, and a slogan with which the brand reaches its audience. When changes come, it is important to keep the principles, the mission and the slogan.

The most striking example of a brand created around a famous figure, I would call Channel. The founder of the fashion house Coco Chanel died 47 years ago, but when we think of fashion, we immediately think of the woman. Today, the company is owned by other people, and the key designer does not even look like Coco.

But the principles remained the same: “Fashion is nothing, style is everything”; “There can be nothing excessive in clothes”. Chanel style is simple, elegant and functional: if there is a button on the jacket, it must be fastened. That’s why Channel clothes, perfumes and jewelry are recognized by whoever heads this fashion empire.

The doctor meets his predecessor and asks awkward questions. One of its principles is that children should not suffer. And when he violates it at least a little, he gets angry with himself.

2. Good reviews are spread about him.

The Doctor is known all over the universe, although no one has seen him in person. The reason is his actions: he saved many creatures and even entire races.

Everyone will be rewarded. This view is supported by both the Pope and the Dalai Lama: those who hold these titles change, but the trust and loyalty of the people remain. In general, if you compare the image of Doctor Who with someone real, the Pope comes to mind (who, incidentally, was also in several series).

Each Pope bears the mark of the activities of his predecessors. And although we understand that different people hold the position, believers remain supportive of this brand. The legacy of the good works of Jesus Christ, the apostles and the Popes is so strong that it strengthens the faithful’s devotion to Francis. In short, they have good reviews and a rating of five stars.

So make good products and quality services, and let them talk about it. You may have to work on the reviews in the beginning, but then the reviews will work on you.

The doctor is known all over the universe.

3. He retains style and leading personality traits.

The doctor remains recognizable. Although he changes his appearance and personality, he still has the same style and manners.

When they change their identity, companies with a long history leave some pervasive feature: a color, a shape, a mascote. Ford can make any design of its cars, but the sign on the hood always indicates who their manufacturer is. And in the appearance of cars there is often a feature that is passed from model to model.

Not only the appearance but also the essence of Ford cars passes further. This is definitely a practical reliable car that an average-income American can afford.

All regenerations of the Doctor, except the last. Each is completely new, but all are recognizable.

4. He is building a pool of fans.

The Doctor always has the brand’s advocates, his companions and friends who stay by his side.

Brands should create a pool of supporters, people who will love the company and will stay with it even when it changes rapidly. For example, Adidas started as a joint business of the brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler. After another dispute, they split the business. To avoid further quarrels and put an end to ‘and’, Adolf created Adidas, and his brother created Ruda, which he later renamed Puma.

Dassler was once the most popular brand of sports shoes: Olympic champions and the most outstanding athletes set records in its sneakers. Not surprisingly, Adolf Dassler, breaking his promise not to use the company’s symbols, took its logo which is known today all over the world. Undoubtedly, this also influenced the fact that the pool of Dassler fans went to Adidas, leaving Puma far behind.

All companions of Dr. Who from 1963 to 2013.

5. He keeps his niche and stays in it.

Doctor Who has a niche that no one else will occupy. And the whole universe knows about it. He is the patron of the planet Earth. In this universe you say Doctor, you think earth; you say earth, you think Doctor.

If a brand wants to remain stable, even when it is characterized by change, it is worth working in its niche and not let anyone in, to protect its customers and clients. Look at Disney. First of all, this is a fairy-tale cinema, a world created for children.

When Disney bought adult Star Wars rights, it at least raised doubts about whether they understood what they were doing. Expanding a company is good. But spraying the trick is not. However, still no one will surpass Disney in creating a fairy tale. This is the secret of the company’s success.

Doctor Who as the President of the Earth.

6. Doctor Who always resolves conflicts to the end.

Brands should adopt this tactic in both internal business processes and external communications. Resolved conflict means a satisfied customer, and a satisfied customer is a brand advocate.

In my opinion, from this list, the Pope and the brand he represents work best on his image. History knows of several cases where the Church was overshadowed by the actions of its employees. However, thanks to the internal services, these conflicts were resolved.

The second in this ranking, apparently, Ford. As an industrial giant, this brand is constantly polluting the environment, facing conflicts in the workplace, forced to overcome marketing problems. But how many times do we remember when Ford did not come out of the water dry? Even at the beginning of brand formation, he managed to overcome conflicts, attracting the best marketing and communications professionals.

The longest arch of the series: it took seven seasons to SPOILER! show what really happened to the Doctor’s home planet and free him from guilt.

Be like Dr. Who or hire a publicist if in doubt.


1. Preserve principles and values.

2. Collect and distribute good reviews.

3. Maintain style and leading personality traits.

4. Increase the pool of brand advocates.

5. Protect your niche and stay in it.

6. Resolve conflicts to the end.

