5 min readJun 21, 2017


Telkom Kenya definitely came with one of the freshest re branding that have been successfully executed in the Kenyan Design and Branding sphere in a long while.

It is a catchy new redesign and re-brand that speaks new energy. From their catchy colors and new TVC, Telkom Kenya is moving against boring with a bold new re design and creative direction.

At KROX STUDIOS, this is something we are excited about. Our teams are excited about such kind of work in the Kenyan Industry. We cannot get enough of this amazing work. We feel like the design team at Telkom did an incredible job. This is an independent review, not based on Telkom’s actual response.

The use of colors is absolutely incredible. They are happy colors. We love it when a brand is not scared to try new funky colors. We love it when colors inspire something new. The new re brand is a mix of colors. Of Bright Azure Blue and Yellows. Both considered incredible Happy colors. It also adds a variation of Fusia colors. The colors pop, and this could be a direction where the Brand is going, Forward.

The Logo is based on the essence of "Moving Forward", with two arrows pointing towards the Right. This could be one of the reasons why Telkom has gone with such a bright and bold rebrand. Also, the whole essence of the logo and colors are captured from the phrase, MOVE.

Move to the Next Phase, Move to the Telkom Network, Move to different, Move Kenya Forward. Such Direct quotes as " Connecting a people that Keep Kenya on the Move ", "Moving with you”, "Move to the more exciting side of life", "Kenya Moving!”. It is an incredible phrase that captures to heart what the talented creative team at Telkom Kenya wanted to pass forward.

Great Design is becoming more and more of a necessity in this new age. The visual literacy and vocabulary of people has grown because of increased exposure to media and content that is greatly designed. Because of this, more brands are putting greater effort into how their content is received.

Take a look at how the team at Telkom executed the re design.


A fantastic use of brand colors when it comes to communication material.

Web & Social

Telkom Kenya amazing use of Brand Colors on their mobile website version.

Telkom seems to be targeting a younger demographic with its new re brand, TVC and activations. After all this is the biggest demographic of new media consumers in Kenya. This will be Key in pushing some of their products like 4G Data, Free insta messaging services like WhatsApp and amazing data and voice plans. It is coming off as the cheapest yet the strongest network in Kenya. We are excited about where they could take it and how this idea has influenced the re design.

Telkom Kenya has maintained the tone across the spectrum, even when it comes to marketing material for their activations.

Such amazing use of the brand tone even when it comes to outfits and conferences.

This is a bold and exciting new 're design. We are curious to see how Telkom stretches this dynamic into other areas.

Photos and Images Courtesy of the Telkom Kenya Website & Twitter.