Types of Analysts

Rashmeet Kaur Chhabra
2 min readJul 12, 2023

Let’s start exploring roles and responsibilities of various analysts.

This blog will help you in understanding several types of analysts and on the basis of which you can kickstart your career in data analytics field.

  • Financial Analyst

A Financial Analyst work closely with accountants & accounting firms to ensure the accuracy of all financial reports. They are responsible for exploring various investment opportunities and inform their clients about the risks and benefits associated with it.

  • Vendor Analyst

The main responsibility of vendor analysts is to gather and analyze data about different vendors and present the insights in such a way that a manufacturer can easily understand. Mainly these analysts deals with company’s outsourcing and purchasing decisions.

  • Tax Analyst

Tax Analysts are responsible for preparing , reviewing and filling tax returns on behalf of their clients. Generally they are hired by individuals or by an organization for processing tax related operations and they make sure that companies are strictly following tax laws.

  • Project Analyst

Project Analysts are responsible for processes that includes budget analysis and Forecasting. Also they are responsible for tracking their member’s progress and providing feedbacks and methods to improve efficiency.

  • Economic Analyst

An Economic Analyst works with large sets of data to identify past trends and research current economy to predict how economy will look like in short term and long term future. They are hired to predict economy based on past trends and for taking better financial decisions.

  • Operations Analyst

An Operations Analyst extract data from certain departments like sales department, marketing department to identify problems related to business operations and create reports based on their analysis which ultimately helps organizations to take decisions.

  • Business Analyst

Business Analysts study current business state and decides which areas of business needs additional resources and which areas are not performing well so they should be eliminated. After deciding such factors, business analyst finally present their conclusions to managers to implement suggested changes.

  • Technical Analyst

A Technical Analyst generally deals with implementing system upgrades, backing up of data , testing of various computer systems and checking maintenance.

  • Management Analyst

A Management Analyst conducts research, interviewing employees , reviewing current systems and making recommendations on how things can be done effectively.

Thank you everyone for taking your quality time to read my Blog.

I hope this blog will help you in deciding your field that matches with your interest.

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Rashmeet Kaur Chhabra

Data Enthusiast | Uncovering hidden treasures in data | content creator | follow me for more data related content .