Catholic Wedding have A Strict Concept Of Customs and Rituals

2 min readAug 16, 2017

Catholic wedding ceremony is the big day preparation that is consulted with the priest to choose the type of ceremony. A Catholic wedding is a great deal is done in the Catholic Church in the shadow of their God. A Catholic wedding is attached to religious and cultural beliefs about their wedding ceremonies. A lot more matrimonial ceremonies are performed from the beginning of the last. Catholic wedding brings cheerful feelings and joyful moments about its celebrations in the unique and personal style. Both the Jewish groom and bride’s family have a same fun and excitement.

A Catholic groom wears a traditional Coat Pant and a necktie. And a Catholic bride wears a long, heavy skirt or dress slacks for the wedding day. A matchmaking couple looks charming and beautiful on the wedding venue, each may have looked for the couple how do they get married in a complete religious manner in the Holy Church.

Wedding Venue

The Catholic wedding venue is always Catholic Church where the complete matrimony process is held under the Priest. Who gives blessings to the couple to live a happier love life. A Catholic matrimony revolves ceremonies as it is closely connected with the religious and cultural fundamentals. These customs and traditions are colorful where most of the guests, friends, and relatives are invited to these wedding ceremonies as well. A Catholic wedding includes various types of dominant customs are varying region to region and culture to culture. Some of the significant customs are explained below:

Opening Hymn: The Priest requests to all for an opening prayer is Hymn. It seems like a religious prayer or song when the bride arrives at the wedding venue or the Church. All the assembled people welcome her by this opening prayer.

Entering the Church: A Catholic bride and groom arrive at the church to proceed the marriage occasion. The couple is ready to wed by performing all the vows and promises.

The Kiss and Nupital Blessing: After the ring, ceremony couple comes to lovely kiss and then the priest will pray and blessed them.

Sign of Peace: This is a major approach here, a Catholic matrimonial ceremony demands for Mass as this is the sign of peace. If not, even the priest says group “ Go in peace with Christ”.

In this way ultimately a newly matchmaking wed can spend their life as a husband & wife relationship together with full of love and care.



