How I use ChatGPT as a UI/UX Designer

Krutik Patel
7 min readFeb 25, 2023


As a UI/UX designer, I have always been on the lookout for new tools and resources to help me stay ahead of the curve in my field. One such tool that has really helped me in my work is ChatGPT, a cutting-edge AI language model trained by OpenAI. In this article, I will share with you how I use ChatGPT as a UI/UX Designer and the benefits it has brought to my work.

Get inspired with free 150+ prompts cheat sheet for UI/UX designers at the end of the article.

Let’s get started!

1. Generate copy for a website or section — (Say no to Lorem Ipsum)

Generating compelling copy can be a challenge, especially when working on a tight deadline. By entering a simple prompt, ChatGPT can generate a range of copy options that you can use as a starting point for your content creation. This feature is particularly helpful when designing websites or sections where you need to generate large amounts of copy. Say goodbye to Lorem Ipsum and hello to ChatGPT!

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Generate product descriptions for an e-commerce website”
  • “Write headlines and subheadings for a blog post”
  • “Create copy for a landing page promoting a new mobile app”
  • “Write the About Us section for a website”
  • “Generate copy for a promotional email campaign”
snapshot of chatgpt with sample prompts

2. Getting Flows — Generate sample user flow

One of the most critical aspects of UI/UX design is creating user flows that are intuitive and easy to navigate. ChatGPT can generate a range of user flows that cover various scenarios, such as sign-up processes or checkout flows. This feature is particularly helpful when designing complex user interfaces with multiple paths and decision points.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Generate a user flow for a social media platform sign-up process”
  • “Create a user flow for an e-commerce checkout process”
  • “Generate a user flow for a ride-sharing app booking process”
  • “Create a user flow for a music streaming app searching and playing music”
  • “Generate a user flow for a news app for reading articles”
snapshot of chatgpt with sample prompts

3. UX Briefs — Write a product brief

Creating a product brief is an essential part of the design process. A product brief outlines the goals and objectives of a project and serves as a reference for all stakeholders involved. By entering a prompt, ChatGPT can generate a product brief that covers the key aspects of the project, including the target audience, the user journey, and the desired outcomes.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Create a product brief for a new e-commerce website”
  • “Write a brief for a mobile app that helps users track their fitness goals”
  • “Generate a brief for a website that offers online courses”
  • “Create a brief for a new digital product aimed at travelers”
  • “Write a brief for a mobile game aimed at children”
snapshot of chatgpt with sample prompts

4. Get ideas for page layout or wireframe

Designing page layouts and wireframes is a fundamental part of UI/UX design, and it can be challenging to come up with new and innovative ideas. ChatGPT can provide a range of suggestions for page layouts and wireframes that you can use as inspiration for your design process.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Get ideas for a landing page layout for a new product”
  • “Generate wireframe ideas for an e-commerce website’s product listing page”
  • “Get layout ideas for a mobile app’s sign-in screen”
  • “Generate ideas for a dashboard layout for a data analytics tool”
  • “Get wireframe ideas for a food delivery app’s checkout process”

5. Find proper usability testing methods for specific apps or website

Usability testing is a crucial step in the UI/UX design process, and it is essential to choose the right method to get accurate and meaningful results. ChatGPT can generate a range of usability testing methods that are suitable for your project, such as remote testing, in-person testing, or card sorting. This feature is particularly helpful when designing complex apps or websites that require specific testing methods.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Find suitable usability testing methods for a mobile game aimed at teenagers”
  • “Generate testing methods for a language learning app aimed at adults”
  • “Find proper usability testing methods for a social media platform aimed at seniors”
  • “Generate testing methods for an e-commerce website aimed at shoppers with disabilities”
  • “Find suitable usability testing methods for a meditation app aimed at reducing stress and anxiety”
snapshot of chatgpt with sample prompts

6. Write design system documentation

Design systems are an integral part of any UI/UX design process, and documenting them is crucial for ensuring consistency across all projects. ChatGPT can provide a range of suggestions for documenting various aspects of the design system, such as typography, color schemes, and iconography. This feature is particularly helpful when designing complex systems with many different components.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Get ideas for documenting the typography in a design system”
  • “Generate prompts for documenting color schemes in a design system”
  • “Get suggestions for documenting the iconography in a design system”
  • “Generate prompts for documenting the layout grid in a design system”
  • “Get ideas for documenting the UI patterns in a design system”

7. Figure out a way to explain complex design terms to team members.

As a UI/UX designer, it can be challenging to explain complex design terms and concepts to team members who may not be familiar with the jargon. ChatGPT can help by providing suggestions for explaining complex design terms in a straightforward and understandable manner. By entering a prompt, ChatGPT can provide explanations for complex design terms, making it easier to communicate with team members who may not have a design background. This feature is particularly helpful when working with non-designers such as developers or project managers.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Explain the concept of responsive design to a project manager”
  • “Provide a simple explanation for the term ‘UX hierarchy’ to a developer”
  • “Explain the difference between UI and UX to a non-designer team member”
  • “Provide a simple explanation for the term ‘micro-interactions’ to a non-designer”
  • “Explain the concept of user personas to a non-designer team member”

8. Get ideas to optimize the experience

Optimizing the user experience is a critical aspect of UI/UX design. ChatGPT can help by providing suggestions for optimizing the experience of users. By entering a prompt, ChatGPT can provide a range of suggestions for improving user experiences, such as optimizing the page load time, reducing the number of clicks required to complete a task, and improving the overall visual design of the website or app. This feature is particularly helpful when designing for a specific target audience, as ChatGPT can provide suggestions that are tailored to their needs.

Here are some sample prompts to get you started:

  • “Get ideas for optimizing the experience of a mobile banking app for senior citizens”
  • “Generate suggestions for improving the user experience of an e-commerce website aimed at millennials”
  • “Get ideas for optimizing the experience of a language learning app for users with dyslexia”
  • “Generate suggestions for improving the user experience of a mental health app aimed at reducing stress and anxiety”
  • “Get ideas for optimizing the experience of a social media platform for users with visual impairments”

9. Research Synthesising

In case you possess lengthy and unwieldy text-based research and require a summary, simply request ChatGPT for assistance. It is capable of producing a concise version and extracting critical points as bullet points.

You can prompt ChatGPT with a request such as: “Can you please summarize my research and extract the important points as bullet points?” or “I have a lengthy research document, can you help me condense it into a shorter summary?”

10. Get ideas for design presentation

Are you facing difficulty in creating a presentation for your client or team and finding yourself stuck? ChatGPT can help you by recommending some key points to include and optimizing the content to make it more impactful and engaging. Whether you need assistance with structuring the presentation or selecting the most relevant information to include, ChatGPT can provide valuable insights to help you deliver a successful presentation.

11. (Bonus) Explaining the Concept of ChatGPT Threads

It is important to note that ChatGPT operates using threads to organize user queries. When a question is asked, a thread is created and subsequent questions are placed within that thread. This means that all questions are connected and related to each other. Users can ask questions related to previous queries within the same thread, and ChatGPT’s AI understands the context and provides relevant responses.

Elevate your UI/UX design game with our free prompts cheatsheet featuring over 150+ prompts to fuel your creativity.

