The Heart of dARCHness — Visual Scripting— (3 of 8)

2 min readDec 15, 2022


This is one of my personal favorite challenges as it’s pretty unique to have as a tool in blockchain development. It won’t really take long to explain but it really is an interesting concept to me. Personally we can’t take credit for it either, we saw it being discussed by the community long ago in our discord server and thought it was a great idea and a great challenge to include in dARCH Event 1.

Visual Scripting with DVMBASIC is kind of a perfect match when you think about it. With some other smart contract languages they are a bit complicated and have a steep learning curve but DVMBASIC is well… basic. It’s easy to program, easy to audit and is great fit for something like visual scripting. It is sufficiently simple enough to where you can make basic functional contracts with minimal effort.

If you’re not familiar with visual scripting it’s a way to program in a visual manner rather than just typing out code. Here’s an example of what visual scripting looks like from an article written by Givi Odikadze here.

An example of what visual scripting with DERO could look like
Image from article by Givi Odikadze

As you can see, visual scripting is an easy way to visualize what your Smart Contract is doing as well as an easy way to program it. It shows the flow logic of what you are coding at the same time you are coding it as well so that can be infinitely helpful for some more of the “visual learner” types as well. It can also be used to teach younger people in classes the concepts of programming as well and in my opinion, getting younger people interested in blockchain is paramount in today’s society.

To sum up, visual scripting is a pretty cool technology and a useful tool for teaching as well. We’re looking forward to seeing the tools that are made and hope everyone appreciates the potential impact of such a tool as much as we do. I’m sure we could go into a much deeper dive on this subject but along with the linked article above, I think it’s been covered sufficiently enough for our purposes today.

Up next will be games, so keep an eye out for the next article.

