Kryptoro specifications focus: Interview with Priven Reddy, CEO at Kryptoro

Kryptoro Exchange
3 min readSep 5, 2018


Priven Reddy, CEO at Kryptoro

“Kryptoro is new cryptocurrency exchange with a fresh focal point, end user experience. We aim to bring you the same functionality and choice you’ve become accustomed to in the current exchange ecosystem, all with an extremely simplified, easy to use and beautifully presented interface.

In addition, we aim to bring users all the necessary resources they need, on platform, gone are the days of having multiple tabs opened made up of twitter, news articles and various metrics. Kryptoro will provide live news events, social media feeds and sentiment analysis for every asset we offer. Our aim is for our clients to wonder how they ever traded their digital assets without us.”

You already have had a lot of experience with other projects related to the utilization of crypto AI, so how did the idea behind the Kryptoro project emerge from all of this?

Priven: After focusing on a lot of high-end” solutions we were continuously faced with the same problem when we consulted friends, focus groups or general member of the public, the space is too complicated and intimidating for new entrants. This provided us with the with the question, how do we make the space more accessible and easier to use. The answer we came up with was the Kryptoro Exchange.

Having a record of very competent staff working on e-banking and e-commerce projects, how did you choose the right people for Kryptoro project?

Priven: We have a pool of hundreds of developers globally. However, when it comes to our own core, passion projects we have a very small team with which we regularly communicate and ensure are at the forefront of current technological advancements. It was then a no-brainer to bring in this very same core team to work on Kryptoro.

What are some of the fiat-based currencies that will be available on Kryptoro’s exchange?

Priven: Initially it will only be ZAR, but we will introduce more fiat-based pairs as time progresses. The two additional fiat base pairs we aim to add before mid 2019 are Dirham and USD base pairs in addition to the ZAR base pairs we will already offer. In this respect we are currently establishing business entities and acquiring licenses in relevant jurisdictions.

Insecurity and irregularities have been often linked with many ICOs, so how are you dealing with that at this stage, and how safe will an exchange be for its future users?

Priven: Being that industry grade security is a standard feature of most of our products I believe we have vastly more experience in this field than competitors. However as mentioned this is a huge sticking point in most projects and as such we have spared no expense in hiring highly qualified cyber and data security personnel to oversee the exchanges security infrastructure. These team members have proven backgrounds with many being international ambassadors of entities such as Cisco and initiatives like GDPR or serving cyber security functions for their countries at some stage in their careers.

Taking a closer look at your past achievements at Kagiso interactive, mobile apps that were designed looked very user-friendly and easily navigable. Are these features going to be a part of Kryptoro’s exchange as well?

Priven: That is exactly our main aim with the development of Kryptoro, end-user functionality that will allow anyone to seamlessly engage with the Blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrencies. Whether it be for investment or transactional purposes we aim to make our platform the easiest and safest for retail customers globally.

This will also be available on a Web-client on launch as well as Android and iOS in the coming months.



Kryptoro Exchange

Stay tuned — more news to share soon Update 12.10.2018