KrypTronAir Crypto Freedom
3 min readSep 1, 2019



PAC Global and their partner, Cripto Conserje, have teamed with a number of cryptocurrencies to provide aid to refugees from Venezuela. With help from the Bitcoin, Horizen and Ohmcoin communities, we are providing financial sovereignty training to those in need in an effort to combat the refugee crisis on the Colombo-Venezuelan border caused by an economic collapse that has forced many to seek asylum abroad. On average, 50,000 Venezuelan refugees pass through Cúcuta, Colombia weekly on their quest South to find hope and opportunity.

The initiative consists of providing lessons sponsored by various partner cryptocurrencies and crypto service providers to Venezuelan refugees and locals from Cúcuta who, upon completing a simple quiz from the cryptocurrency lesson, receive the compensation for participation in the event which can then be used to purchase various goods, also providing hands on experience with the utility and ease which crypto can be used to improve their current situations in the stead of their traditional fiat currency which has been rendered next to useless through hyperinflation. Thus, the program serves as both an introduction to the advantages and utility of cryptos as well as a means to provide those in need of food and supplies the opportunity to obtain what is needed to survive.

To date, the initiative has produced multiple rounds of concentrated aid with each successive round reaching more and more recipients. Recipients in the first round received BTC as payment while in following rounds participants received $PAC and $ZEN which they were then able to immediately use by loading paper wallets via the quiz and then use those wallets to purchase any food and/or supplies needed. Each round produced more participants than the expected goal for the day’s outreach. In a few events, the thankful beneficiaries took the time to write words of gratitude to PAC and the sponsor for the day’s event, CriptoPT, located in Portugal. Ensuing rounds succeeded in aiding many more recipients, including a round where more $PAC needed to be sent during the day of the initiative as the turnout proved much greater than anticipated.

The stated overall goal of the joint initiative is to enable 100 merchants and distribute a total of 300,000 cryptocurrency wallets in Cúcuta. Cryptocurrencies are well received in regions surrounding Venezuela and Colombia and Cripto Conserje, with support from PAC Global, provides valuable ancillary aid through educating the populace with regards to cryptocurrency as the hyperinflation of the native currency leads to the seeking and adoption of alternative methods of obtaining needed food/supplies.

Through means of charitable giving, continued education and helping spur adoption of cryptocurrency in regions of Venezuela/Colombia, organizations like Cripto Conserje with help from sponsors such as CriptoPT, $PAC, $ZEN, $OHM, and services like, Athena Bitcoin and Toshl will reach beyond our goals and provide #crypto4help to those in need of aid around the globe.

$PAC welcomes anyone to give and get some love and donate to: P9bw9KabqhjGQdLbb51EaiDCnTtwbvts9w

or you may donate Bitcoin to:

$BTC: 3MgFBmwGr5MukHMCor8ggtVScU7bqzP97Y

If you would like to help entire families of Venezuelan refugees, please give it a second thought and donate. If you wish to know more or find out about any of our various charitable programs in hope of finding one or more you would like to donate to or If you would like to get a thank you message or other simple messages on video, please send a message on Discord to @Robin Matthes#3690, by e-mail to and put #crypto4help as the subject or contact him on Twitter at

Cripto Conserje has provided aid to literally hundreds of refugees and has worked with PAC Global before on projects. You can reach out to Cripto Conserje’s central coordinator for the Cúcuta project on Discord to @CryptoKohn#7403.

