5 Differences Between How Women and Men Fall in Love

Krystyna Trushyna
5 min readSep 8, 2023


Everyone knows the old saying about how men are from Mars and women are from Venus. That’s pretty much the case when you analyze the male and female brains and how they go about falling in love.

It’s quite interesting, really.

If you ask most people who they think (men vs women) fall in love easier and quicker, they’ll likely point their finger to the fairer sex.

A study that surveyed 172 college students, however, found that the guys fell in love quicker and also expressed their “I love yous” earlier than the ladies.

Women, thus, seem to have a more cautious and sensible view of love.

I would have pointed the finger at my fellow ladies too, as my husband fell in love with me before I even thought he was a contender for my heart. And he told me that I was the love of his life before I even knew I loved him.

How Do Men and Women Fall in Love?

So just how do men and women fall in love, and how does it differ?

1. Physical Factors vs a Whole Picture

Men are visual creatures, so it makes sense that they deem how a woman looks as way more important.

The physical features of a lady is a big indicator of how attractive a man finds her.

Women are wired differently, and while looks do play a role, we consider a multitude of other factors when deciding how attractive a man is.

For example, I know that I consider intelligence a big aspect because I need to be able to have intelligent conversations that feed my soul. I also look at emotional maturity coz I don’t want to baby or mother my guy. He has a mom for that.

2. Action-Oriented and Impulsive vs Cautious and Analytical

If there’s a problem, men prefer to take action and make the solution happen while women talk about the problem.

The age-old adage seems to be true when it comes to matters of the heart too.

Men are more impulsive and action-oriented, while us women tend to think and exercise caution.

In love, that translates to men acting on their feelings and asking you out on a date or telling you they love you quicker than you even consider that you might like him or want to go out with him.

A lady might want to be sure the guy is the right guy before they say yes to a date or marriage, but a man is more than okay with jumping in and seeing where the romance adventure takes him.

The reason for this is thanks to evolution. In the cave days, women were more cautious and sensible because they had to find the best possible mate to make babies with, while men had less to lose and didn’t need to be so careful when choosing a partner.

Evolution can also explain why men say “I love you” first.

In the olden days, they had to prove their commitment before the relationship could move along, and a man’s commitment indicated to the lady that he was a reliable and suitable match.

3. In Lust vs In Love

Another key difference between how men and women fall in love is that men fall in lust more often than women do.

Since men tend to focus on the physical aspects of a lady, they don’t always look at compatibility factors.

Or, they think that a lady being hot is enough of a compatibility indicator, when that’s just an illusion.

It doesn’t even indicate that the guy and hot girl will be good in bed together (even though the man most likely thinks so).

Men think they are in love, but they are actually just in lust. They love the idea of love and not necessarily the person they are with (or wanna be with).

While ladies can also fall in lust, it’s more common for the fairer gender to fall in love and love the guy’s long-term potential instead of just his hot-factor now.

4. Belief in Love at First Sight

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I do (kinda), even though I didn’t fall for my husband at first sight. And I had always thought that “my one and only” would be a love at first sight kind of situation.

A poll found that men are more likely to believe in love at first sight than women do.

More than 70% of men think that love at first sight is a real thing. But, is it?

5. Passion vs Feelings

When a man is in love, he focuses more on passion. He’ll have intense feelings for his girl, and these will be at the forefront of his mind.

Thus, your guy will be “obsessed” with the passionate aspects of your love, while you are more concerned with how supportive and emotionally available he is.

While you may think that passion being a priority for your guy is a problem and means that his love is less meaningful or not real, that isn’t the case.

It’s simply how guys are biologically wired and how they are socially conditioned.

Last Thoughts About Men and Women Falling in Love

Falling in love isn’t straightforward, and gender is a social construct.

The truth is that we all fall in love in our own special ways, and thus, there are no rules to how men and women fall in love. Plus, no one can tell you how to experience falling for your boo.

If you are a lady and you’ve fallen first and want to express your love, then do so. Don’t hold back because you think that’s what society says is correct.

And that goes for you too if you are a guy. If you want to be sensible about love, then be. And if you want to jump, then jump.

Do what’s right for you (and the person you are attracted to) — always.



Krystyna Trushyna

I love writing about dating beyond borders, different languages, and cultures. I blog, run my own online business, and love doing Pilates. www.krioda.com