How Do You Know If an Arab Man Is Serious About You?

9 Obvious Signs An Arab Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts

Krystyna Trushyna
8 min readMar 9, 2024

Men don’t always announce on a billboard that they like you or that they’re interested in a relationship with you (it would be easier if they did, right?).

However, when you know what to look for, you can learn to read your man and know what they feel and when.

Men from a different culture group can also act differently than men from your own country, and it can really muddy the dating waters to try and figure out what a man from a different culture feels for you.

Reading an Arab man can be challenging — especially if you’re not Arab or of Middle Eastern descent yourself.

But here is everything you need to know that can help you decide whether or not that man with the gorgeous dark eyes is interested in you.

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A Note on Stereotypical Views

I always caution my clients to remember that people are all unique, and what you hear about a culture or the people from a certain country is usually a generalization.

Expecting anyone to behave exactly as you think they should based on general views is a great way to make a fool of yourself and miss out on life’s opportunities.

Remember to treat all people as uniquely individual, letting them reveal who they are and what they think, as a stereotypical view is a one-way to failure.

Signs an Arab Man Likes You (A Lot)

It can be challenging to read the body language or social signs that someone from a different culture likes you, so look out for these signs that could mean the Arab man of your dreams is into you.

1. His Body Language Changes

When people are interested in someone, their body language will change. For starters, they turn their body toward the person that has their attention.

An Arab man will turn his body toward you while talking with you and he may step slightly closer toward you if he’s interested in you.

Depending on how strictly he adheres to his culture’s guidelines on contact between the sexes, he may lean toward you, perhaps even appearing to hover protectively.

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2. He Finds Reasons to Be Near You

You may notice that he’s always around you, ready to help. He will find reasons to be around in case you need help, and he’ll quickly jump to carry things, open doors, and assist you with anything you may need.

He’s already stepping into the role of your guardian and protector, so he wants to help you and make life easier for you.

It will be his goal to connect and share.

3. He Lavishes You with Gifts

It may seem like he’s showing off by spoiling you with lavish gifts, but he genuinely wants to treat you well.

An Arab man loves to bless those around him with gifts and tokens of affection. Don’t be surprised to find he’s bought you something pricey that you need.

He’s not buying your affection; he’s sharing his love with you.

4. He Looks at You All the Time

Have you noticed he looks at you all the time?

It may at first make you feel a little uncomfortable to have him almost staring at you, but it’s simply a sign that he likes what he sees — you — and wants to be with you.

When he walks into a room, the first person he will look for is you. And when you make eye contact, he will hold your gaze a little longer.

5. He’s Super Polite and Respectful

An Arab man will become even more polite and respectful when he likes you. He’ll constantly try to find reasons to speak with you, and he will listen politely to you.

Depending on how traditionally he was raised, he may even nod his head slightly with a hand laid over his chest as an acknowledgement to you.

He will be very mindful of your comfort at all times, offering you convenient seating in restaurants, and always tending to your needs first. You will truly feel like a princess with his adorations.

6. He Becomes Very Supportive and Protective

You may notice that he starts supporting you in whatever you are endeavoring. If you have to go for a job interview, he will insist on driving you there, and he will wait for you (no matter how long) until you are done.

When you face a challenging situation, you won’t do so alone, and he will be right there to support and protect you.

He will encourage you, helping you with your plans, arranging for additional support as you need it.

He’ll become your biggest supporter, and his whole family will also step in and support you — it can become a little overwhelming, but it’s a sign that they love and care for you.

7. You Are Invited to Socialize with His Family

An Arab man won’t necessarily take all his friends, colleagues, or love interests home with him.

If he invites you to meet his family and to frequently socialize with him, it’s a sign that he already sees you as family and part of his care system.

He includes you among the people he is closest to and whom he loves the most. This is an honor not shared with all, and it’s a sign of how much regard he has for you.

8. He Includes You in His Future Plans

When you talk about the future, he will start to include you in his plans. If he intends to move to a different country, he will speak as if it’s a given that you will move with him.

His plans include you, and he will start to ask you where you’d like to live and what your plans regarding a family of your own (with him) are like.

Even small plans like what to do on the weekend will automatically include you. In his mind, you two are already a team, and he wants to include you in everything.

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9. He Asks You Questions

Arab men want to get to know their partners, and he will be very curious about your life, your past, and your plans. He will ask questions, be very interested in your day, your week, and what you are doing right this minute.

His family will also want to know everything about you. They aren’t “interrogating” you as they genuinely care and want to get to know you better.

How to Respond When an Arab Man Likes You

So you’ve picked up on a few signs that an Arab man really likes you, but how do you respond?

It can be quite overwhelming to have that much attention being paid to you by him and his family, so knowing what to say and how to act may leave you feeling confused.

However, if you like an Arab man who is interested in you, these are the best ways to let him know you feel the same way too.

  • Speak to Him Politely

Arab women are raised to be soft spoken, and when they speak, they discuss meaningful issues without getting rude or loud. So if you are interested in an Arab man, you should ensure your words are gracious and not at all whining.

If you tell him that you like him, do so in a calm tone, speaking plainly and without any foul language. Arab men won’t like it if you talk dirty to them as it’s not a turn-on.

Ask him if he likes you, and tell him that you like him.

  • Ask Him Questions

To show an Arab man you are interested in him, it’s a great idea to ask him about stuff (everything from religion to politics, business, and his interests). You also need to listen patiently and not judge what he says.

When you listen and can have a good conversation with him, he will know you like him.

  • Plan Special Days With Him

An Arab man will love it when you make plans with him, include him, and choose to make him feel special.

You can absolutely tell him you’d like to take him somewhere special, and he will appreciate it that you consider him in your planning, not expecting him to drop everything and go with you.

  • Show an Interest in His Family

Arab men are very close to their family. Ask about his family, get to know them, and help them where you can, and he will know you like him.

You should be strong enough to run his household when he’s away, but you can use quotes and messages to remind him of your love and affection.

  • Don’t Be Too Needy

To show him you like him and can be a worthy partner, you need to avoid being too needy.

He wants to know you can run his household one day, so avoid becoming clingy, and just because he’s doing stuff for you, don’t assume you can be demanding.

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Final Thoughts

No two men are the same, and it’s never a good idea to judge people based on their culture, but some basic signs are universal that someone likes you.

If he pays attention to you, treats you well, and wants to be around you, it’s a sure sign that he’s into you.

Take care to respond in a culturally appropriate way if you really like him. Remember, you need to be his Amira, so act the part. Soften your words and tone of voice, be respectful, and act with dignity at all times, and you will win him over quickly.

And when you move into a relationship, you can discuss my 12 relationship rules for a stronger bond.

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Krystyna Trushyna

I love writing about dating beyond borders, different languages, and cultures. I blog, run my own online business, and love doing Pilates.