One year ago

Krys VanSlyke
2 min readSep 19, 2016


One year ago today…

… we had a hole in our hearts, a 5 month old, two elementary aged girls who had been through more than anyone should (and missed their daddy on top of that), and no job.

For those of you new to our story… In October 2014 our 14-month-old son Atticus was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma cancer. After ten months of treatment, including chemotherapy, surgery and moving the family to New York for two months, Atticus died three weeks before his second birthday.

Photo by Amy Gray Photography

We needed to heal. We needed to reconnect as a family. Getting back to the grind of school and job hunting didn’t feel right to us, but sitting around the house — suddenly too quiet — didn’t feel right either.

With friends and family in California, and nowhere to be but with each other, we embarked on a journey.

5 months old, ready to road trip

On September 18th, 2015 we registered the girls as homeschooled, loaded up the minivan, grabbed the pile of gift cards people had been blessing us with, posted to Facebook that we might be a little less available, and headed off to see our friends and Melissa’s family in San Diego.

We had a rough idea where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do, but this trip would become something greater. We posted very little about it at the time, but now one year later we want to share with all of you some highlights of this adventure we took to honor Atticus.

Today was mainly driving. Tomorrow: you’ll meet the first friends we visited.

Thank you so much for following along and remembering Atticus with us.



Krys VanSlyke

Husband/father/nerd in Phoenix. Currently writing about the road trip I took with my family a year ago.