I’m not Panic Inc. Apple just keep reject my binary.

Marcin Krzyzanowski
2 min readDec 16, 2014


I’m trying hard update my recent application, with essential issue workaround (yes, workaround) and yet… I still get rejected with completely absurd reasons.

Story of TestFlight

I was thrilled about new TestFlight, regardless of fact that review process slow down testing, I decided give it a try. After a days (approx. is 8 days now) of waiting my binary was rejected because of crash originated by Foundation method. Yes… Apple rejected my application because they method crash in their code. And I’m pretty sure it’s something wrog with their testing environment, I should get the the same result every time, this call shouldn’t crash, if so, actually I would expect warning when called on forbidden thread (not uncommon scenario). This is what I have used


well… apperently it is crashing, and AppStore reviewer rejected my update gracefully

I was upset and since I don’t agree with the result, what I did is I took the very same binary and re-submit to review. this time directly to AppStore.

Story of AppStore

Another week passed and I got rejected on another reason (I would expect the very same reason) because my app apparently didn’t launch on reviewer machine:

so I grab my iPad Mini 1st generation (which is old enough to work with non-retina resolution right?) and launch the app. App launched

This story hurt me because I’m trying to release update to Privacy that fix (actually workaround) iOS issue ”MFMailComposeViewController and broken \r\n” and I can’t, I still can’t believe in this.


I know that this post don’t help, but I need to communicate that it’s not my fault. I found iOS issue, trying to workaround, then can’t submit because two completly absurd reasons.

I’m not a Panic Inc. Apple won’t call me with appologies I know that. But there is thousands like me.

Update to the post

Someone put this link on HN, well… happens. Thanks to this great community few persons noticed me about thread issue that may be cause of first rejection, this indeed probably was the reason of the issue. You are amazing, I love you.

twitter: @krzyzanowskim

PS. You may want to check my other posts here.

