The CookBook for all
4 min readSep 9, 2020
Rice pudding with almond milk

Why is rice pudding with almond milk so special?

Rice pudding with almond milk and Corinth grapes is a very good dessert, moderately light, and with a pleasing visual impact. It is the classic dessert that allows you to make a good impression on diners since its appearance is reminiscent of haute cuisine desserts. Accessibility also stands out among its advantages. In fact, it can be consumed by those suffering from gluten and lactose absorption disorders; none of the ingredients contains these substances. In fact, Milk is replaced by almond milk, which does not contain lactose, is also lighter and — according to many — tastier.

The recipe is very simple and affordable for everyone. However, the process is somewhat sui generis since the main ingredient is rice, which is cooked in milk and other ingredients. Another particular ingredient for a dessert is Corinthian grapes. It is a kind of raisin produced from a berry that grows mainly in Greece, the southern Balkans, and Turkey. It is less sweet than traditional raisins; it has a more delicate and more pleasant flavor on the palate. In this recipe, Corinth grapes are added to the rice in the last stages of cooking and help to form a thick and creamy mixture, like a pudding.

All the nutritional benefits of almond milk

Almond milk replaces classic milk in this rice pudding. It is a substitution that finds its raison d’etre in the desire to offer a dessert within everyone’s reach, even for lactose intolerant. However, this is not the only reason. In fact, almond milk is a pleasant ingredient on the palate, light, and not devoid of nutritional properties. For example, it contains omega-three fatty acids (typical of any dried fruit), substances that are good for the heart, eyes, and cognitive functions. Almond milk is also rich in vitamins and minerals. The reference is particularly to vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Rice pudding with almond milk

Almonds are calorie foods; this is well known;

Almond milk, however, is not. If no sugar is added (and in this case, it should not be added), a cup of almond milk provides only 100 kcal, while a cup of cow’s milk is close to 180 kcal. All this is enhanced by high concentrations of unsaturated fats, i.e., “good” fats. I’m talking about oleic acid and linoleic acid, which positively impact the body at various levels.

The characteristics of Carnaroli rice and its supply of amino acids
Carnaroli rice is the real star of this pudding. This is a recently “invented” rice, in the sense that it is the result of a crossing attempted, for the first time, about 70 years ago. It is rice with interesting characteristics, also because it is quite versatile. It is mainly used for risotto since it perfectly tolerates high temperatures, obviously without overcooking. This is also a rice that gives a certain satisfaction to the palate, as the grains are very large and maintain a certain consistency. These are not only the only qualities of Carnaroli rice. In fact, there is an enormous nutritional power, which makes this rice a real panacea for the body, as well as a valid ingredient from an organoleptic point of view.

Carnaroli, for example, is rich in essential amino acids. It is an extraordinary potassium source; therefore, it is particularly suitable for those suffering from problems relating to blood pressure. Like all rice varieties, the protein intake is lower than that of wheat-based products but still significant. On the other hand, the amount of fat is minimal and favors a certain concentration of starch. The intake of vitamins is also significant, and in particular, of B1 and PP.

Here is the recipe for rice pudding with almond milk and Corinth grapes:

Ingredients for 4 people:
150 grams Carnaroli rice;
750 ml. of almond milk;
50 grams of Corinth grapes;
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon;
a pinch of salt.


To prepare the rice pudding with almond milk, start by pouring the salt, 600 ml of milk, and the rice into a non-stick pan. Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Stir, especially at the end of cooking, because there is a risk that the mixture will stick. At this point, add the rest of the milk and grapes (washed with hot water to remove any oil residues). Continue to cook, often stirring, until you get a creamy mixture, a pudding in practice. Pour this pudding into containers (jars or glasses) and let it cool. The pudding can also be eaten cold, after a few hours in the fridge. For decoration, you can use almond flakes.

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