This book is for all those people who lost their loved ones, and a wide perception about the words you choose.

Ramadevi Chelliah
5 min readApr 6, 2023


After having a huge stressful and frustrating day, I had a harsh talk with mom, after being questioned by her.

Most of the time, most of us yell at our loved ones when we are so much annoyed or so much in anger. But later we realise it and feel so guilt about what he had spoken?

That's why it's always said "words has the power to heal someone and break someone"

I really felt guilt for being harsh later that night for whatever I said mom, and then I took this book to make me little better but it made me eyes wet.
This is the first book of the author Renuka Gavrani but it is purely a masterpiece, I would say.

The book I'm talking about - A master piece :))

This book is to all those people who have been left alone by their most loved ones on earth, craving for their love but feeling lost.

Especially losing someone who have shown the whole world to you is a biggest curse equal to death, and this story is one such, that brings in the values, emotions,relationship of a mother and a 16 yr old daughter.

Words always have the power to be used as a magic or a curse.

But when some good people use words in anger they feel guilty for a long time.

Most of the writers like the author wants to change the world with good stories like this book, to help us understand more about us and others.
How many of us wants to get up early these days? Honestly there are not so many people.

Seeing the sunrise and playing hide and seek with clouds is one of the purest joy that all late risers forget to notice and enjoy from the nature.

A mother’s blessing is the highest blessing I would say than getting from anyone else in the world.

And why a father, normally a man is not allowed to cry when they feel low or hurt? Is there a place stronger than Father’s shoulders to rest?

And fathers express their love mostly through gestures, we have to pay attention, if not their love for us will be left unnoticed, they deserve equal respect.

Death is never pretty. It’s easy for anyone like you or me to say death is a hard truth and we should get ready for that, but what’s more challenging is to be in the shoes of a person who has lost their loved one in the name of death. Right?

And no one tells us how to live after losing our loved ones, with full of memories they have given, with full of love they have treasured us?

Mostly all mothers(including my mom) doesn’t share their problems with their kids or husband or anyone in family as it’ll make them worried.

They handle it always and anyways. They wanted to keep everyone happy and peaceful with the cost of not protecting their own hearts.

Most of our moms pretends to be happy, even if they are in pain and we are so busy fuzzed with things, we never notice at all. That’s really pathetic and even more cruel.

Mothers should also live a life beyond their children because the same mothers will become unemployed when their child grow up.

And the most important message here is you should never allow yourself to revolve your life around one person.

Make your life like a garden where you have all types of people, interests and hobbies to love and receive love. This is an essential message from this book.

The author uses her words so magically that she wants each one of us to be clear with our own boundaries to make us peaceful.

Why do kids show what they feel? They show us happy face when they are happy and they look dull when they are not. But what do we do as a adult? We grow up pretending to hide all our sorrows and showing up a smiling face outside.

Kids always nurtures us in the process of growing and we should feel okay to show up sadness when we are sad. It’s not a sin at all.

When we don’t allow ourselves to freely feel sad or disheartened, we suffocate ourselves from within.

When you lose someone you love, you can cry. When your dreams don’t get a safe landing you are allowed to get disheartened.

And amidst the chaos of life, you have to find the reason to keep you smile, you are accountable for your


Parents have the responsibility to create a safe home for their child and realise the fact that they are a blessing.

When was the last time you made some effort for the people you love? Are you taking them for granted? Just ask yourself. Just don’t do anything that creates a shelter of regret in your heart.

Love and Marriage are not rainbows.🌈 There will be both good and bad days. You should have a choice to choose to love your companion for the good things they do for you.

Sometimes you have to shower love on people for what you are craving from others, that may ease your pain.

When you love someone deeply their every words, actions are an addiction to you.

Friends like family are the best and treasure them forever at any cost.

And some will come with the skin of friendship shades, don’t let them stop you from believing in friendship again.

Realisation of mistakes is good but terming yourself based on that is never okay.

You don’t deserve your own hate.

All this external influence will get suffocated at some time, where you want the comfort of your home. And that’s the place where your mother lives in.

Every child after every lows and ups wanted to have that comfort from their mom with whom they feel as home.

We all have only limited time on earth but we forget to postpone things.

So say your loved ones how much they mean to you whenever they are with you, say how much you love them, appreciate them for what they are.

Because one day they’ll not be here too.

And finally author Renuka, and myself believes that words can make a person smile.

So she connotes that your words should make people loved and understood not making their hearts wound at any cost.

This is such a wonderful master piece with full of magical words from the author, that you’ll definitely love it and finish it in a sitting.

I can bet you that her words will make you surely realise lot of things from your own life and also make you cry through her book. What else you are waiting for? Grab her first book now! Renuka Gavrani 🌻



Ramadevi Chelliah

I am a Passionate writer and a Reader. Good food, Strong tea, with books beside me depicts me the best. I am ardent believer of change & I chose WORDS for that.