Kathy Shaidle
2 min readJul 22, 2016


Wow, you’re dumb. Or being intentionally obtuse.

“Agent of Satan”? No, Ben Carson merely noted, correctly, that Hillary Clinton greatly admired Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his influential handbook “Rules For Radicals”, “to Lucifer, the first rebel.”

Carson then wondered whether or not it was a wise idea to put a someone who admires such a man as Alinsky in the Oval Office.

You are free to laugh at Carson’s (to you) literal mindedness or lack of “sophistication.”

But when you get basic stuff like this wrong (intentionally or otherwise) it becomes difficult to take much of whatever else you write seriously.

Why is the Left’s favourite put down/explanation “These people don’t really believe what they’re saying”? Do you REALLY think Hillary Clinton genuinely cares about the poor? Come on. Lots of phonies on your side, too: yammering about peace and love while they insult and punish their opponents, enrich themselves and deliver empty platitudes about “global warming” while flying around in their private jets. Feminist men who just want to get laid, whereas no neocon ever called me “baby.” Anti-bullying activists who bully schools and workplaces. Women who care about women’s rights unless those women are Muslim victims of FGM, honor killings and other abuses, or non-Muslim women assaulted raped by Muslims in places like Sweden, which is now the rape capital of the Western world and where 90% of the rapists are Muslim, migrants or otherwise.

I’ve met a few right wing fakers. But I’ve met WAY more leftist ones. You’re all about “ideals” and “humanity” and “freedom” and “peace” but you treat real flawed humans like garbage, and have censored and bullied and lied your way into power, going back to the 1960s. I saw it on the left and l left. Maybe clean up your own house, huh?



Kathy Shaidle

Kathy Shaidle is a Toronto copywriter, author, columnist, and blogging pioneer. MORE: https://www.authory.com/KathyShaidle