Time to walk the plank…

The end of my first placement at Landor Associates.

Kristian Shepherd
3 min readSep 29, 2014

30th of September

My first placement has sadly come to an end but what a way to kick off my year in the industry, dammmmn!

It’s been surreal, I’m not just leaving Landor having absorbed some valuable experience about the design industry, I’m leaving with some good friends too. Words can’t describe how much hungrier I am to become the designer I aspire to be after my time at Landor in which hopefully I can go back at some point. I managed to get my original four weeks placement extended to 6 weeks which was great and got the chance to work on some amazing briefs for some big brand names. Also on the 19th of September, I got the chance to be in a shoot at the national portrait gallery for BP which was cool, I also got the chance to be in the gallery before it opened to the public and have a good luck at the exhibition.

Shoot at the national portrait Gallery

As a little leaving gift and to say thank you for my time at landor I designed a series of postcards in the style of a table tennis table (They have one in the office) with a northern twist. I printed words and phrases that seem to come out of my mouth on the front alongside my record of playing the bloody game on the back, which wasn’t too great as you can see below. I presented them at my last Friday drinks there and said a big thank you to everyone for putting up with ‘That Northern Kid’.


My plans now are to email the hell outta London and try to sort another placement out as I don’t have anything sorted until the 17th of November… As of yet. Through working at Landor, I’ve started to build my network and got passed some useful contacts which I have started to email and will hopefully hear something back as soon as.

I went for a couple interviews around two weeks ago also at an agency called ‘Msytery’ & another called ‘Blue Marlin’ in which I’m still waiting to hear back.

Mystery - Design agency

Other than that, London itself’s great! I’ve been living with one of the freelancers from Landor for a little while which has been great to be around someone who has so much experience in the industry, he also studied Graphic Design at UCLan back in the day alongside Andy B! Who’d of thought it ey… What are the chances!

But yeah, one down, hopefully several more to come!

Keep posted,


