Lessons from Childhood

18 tips before I turn 18

Kshitij Grover
2 min readJul 8, 2014

This Friday I turn 18.

I’m not a big believer in the fact that age matters in your everyday life. I don’t think age corresponds with credibility. I don’t think age even corresponds with maturity.

With this next year comes more expectations. I’m ready to meet them. It’s incredibly exciting.

I want to leave “childhood” by reflecting on 18 of the biggest lessons I’ve learned:

  1. Do ridiculous things.
  2. Crave failure.
  3. Make friends who tell you the truth.
  4. More importantly, make enemies. Get used to deception.
  5. Learn what keeps you comfortable and stress free.
  6. Stress yourself.
  7. Recognize authority
  8. Stick to your core beliefs, even if it means disregarding authority
  9. Write a lot. Express yourself.
  10. Read more. Learn from people, lots know what they’re doing.
  11. Ignore established practices, especially when everyone is doing it. The majority is a dangerous drug.
  12. Explore everything around you. If curiosity killed the cat, that must have been rough for the cat.
  13. Everyone cheats.
  14. Never cheat yourself. Once you fool yourself, there is no turning back.
  15. Laugh a lot.
  16. Don’t treat laughter like a medicine. It isn’t a cure. There are no cure-alls.
  17. Being a leader fosters confidence. Confidence is invaluable.
  18. The more you lead, the less you can see. Step back sometimes.
  19. Break rules you set for yourself.

Here’s to being 18.

I’m not going to buy any lottery tickets this Friday, I’m out to make my own luck.

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Kshitij Grover

20. CS@Caltech, Soon to be @Asana. Previously @Facebook, @NASA, @Redfin, @Apple