Creating a blog post with ChatGPT

Shreyas Kulkarni
4 min readMay 6, 2023


This blog is part of the series where I created an AI Agent using God Mode and gave it an objective to write a blog post about one of the questions I commonly encounter

Is AI going to take my job?

I thought it would be interesting to task AI with this objective, while also showing everyone the current state of a simple AI agent, to spark imagination on how these Agents could be influencing us in the short future. If you are curious about what these AI agents are and why you should care about them, I have written an article on that here.

For completeness, I thought to compare the blog post generated by the AI Agent with the one generated by ChatGPT.

For this experiment I am using GPT4 model version, GPT4 has a higher context window.

Context Window : The total size of input + output a model can process. Higher the better. For reference, in the way we operate, we humans have a pretty large context window, where we are able to piece together years and years of our learning, quickly as an action or a response. Where as the best available LLMs have a context window of a 10s of pages of text.

Using GPT4 with higher context meant that, there is a better chance of getting an entire blog post in a single response without having to ask ChatGPT to generate it section by section.

I first asked ChatGPT to give me an outline for the blog. And I was really impressed with how detailed the outline was. Here is the blog outline it generated for the topic — Is AI going to take my job ?

Title: Will AI Take My Job?

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of AI’s growth and impact on the job market
B. Common concerns about job security due to AI advancements

II. Understanding AI and Automation
A. Definition and background of AI
B. Key differences between AI and automation
C. Examples of AI applications in various industries

III. Jobs at Risk of AI Displacement
A. Jobs with repetitive tasks
1. Manufacturing and assembly line jobs
2. Data entry and routine administrative tasks
B. Jobs with predictable patterns
1. Retail and customer service positions
2. Transportation and delivery services
C. Jobs that require data analysis and decision making
1. Financial analysts and stock traders
2. Diagnostic medical professionals

IV. Jobs Less Likely to be Affected by AI
A. Jobs that require creativity and innovation
1. Artists and designers
2. Writers and content creators
B. Jobs that involve complex human interaction
1. Healthcare professionals and social workers
2. Teachers and educators
C. Jobs that require physical dexterity and adaptability
1. Plumbers, electricians, and repair technicians
2. Construction and maintenance workers

V. AI as a Job Creator
A. New roles and industries emerging from AI advancements
1. AI programmers and engineers
2. Ethicists and policy makers for AI governance
B. AI augmenting human capabilities and productivity
1. Use of AI for collaboration and decision support
2. AI enabling more efficient and flexible work arrangements

VI. Preparing for the AI Revolution
A. Importance of lifelong learning and upskilling
1. Embracing new technologies and tools
2. Pursuing relevant certifications and training programs
B. Focusing on transferable skills and adaptability
1. Developing emotional intelligence and communication skills
2. Cultivating problem-solving and critical thinking abilities

VII. Conclusion
A. Summary of AI’s impact on the job market
B. Encouragement to adapt and embrace the opportunities AI presents

The ouline covers a wide range of topics, rightly identifies areas that are at risk due to automation with AI and also rightly points out areas that are immune to AI Revolution. It also creates a well rounded narrative by accurately positioning AI as a job creator too ( a point people often miss to notice under the stress of an incoming change) and gives some really solid suggestions on preparing for the AI revolution.

Now, there are two ways to go about this.

You can ask ChatGPT to expand on each section, in the style that you want and there you go, you have your entire blog post. Please remember the thing I mentioned about Context Window. As you start expanding on each sections, the previous context is going to get more higher level and ChatGPT might fail to remember nuances. But I am pretty confident, with some good prompting, you can generate a cohesive well written blog post.

Here is an example of Introduction section with this format.



In the interest of the time, I took a shortcut, I directly fed the outline to ChatGPT and asked it to generate a blog post. As you read through the blog post you see how ChatGPT starts being elaborate in the beginning and soon starts correcting and the later sections being very high level.

But none-the-less its a great output and a cohesive article. If you are curious to see how the article turned out, here the link to the full article — Will AI Take My Job? (ChatGPT Version)

Or if you want to first check what I did with the AI Agent, here is the link to the article — I asked AI Agent to write a blog about “Is AI going to take my job?”

Happy Exploring!



Shreyas Kulkarni

I write micro-blogs. Micro blogs are ~2-5 min read blog posts that provoke your mind , give a perspective and get the conversation started.