The Game Changer: AI Agents Are Taking the AI World by Storm

Shreyas Kulkarni
5 min readMay 1, 2023


Welcome to the World of Co-Op AI Agents — A Multi-Part Blog Series Adventure!

Hey there, fellow AI enthusiasts! I recently participated in a LabLabAI hackathon, and we built something truly amazing: a communication protocol for Co-Op AI agents. These AI agents can talk to each other, carry out tasks for their users, and even co-ordinate, negotiate, and transact with other agents. Sounds fascinating, right? 🤖🤝 We spent two days on a weekend talking all about agents, their future and possibilities and I am still dizzy with excitement and want to share it all with you.

But before we dive into the incredible world of Co-Op Agents and the communication protocol, let me introduce you to this multi-part blog series. Here, we’ll explore various concepts that will get you up to speed with the current state of AI. From Large Language Models (LLMs) to AI Agents, this series will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the AI landscape.

By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to get those creative juices flowing and start thinking about how AI systems can be built for your unique use cases. So buckle up, and let’s embark on this thrilling AI adventure together! 🚀

A Wild Parrot Appears — The LLM

Picture this: you have a charming, colorful parrot as a pet. It listens to conversations, learns phrases, and then repeats them in the right context. That’s basically what a Large Language Model is — a glorified autocomplete engine with a vast vocabulary. While these “parrots” can come up with incredibly creative responses, they are still quite random, and their output can vary each time you interact with them. So, how do we make these parrots more predictable? Enter the AI Agents! 🦜

From Chatbots to Creative Masterminds — The Evolution of AI Applications

When LLMs first made their grand entrance, the tech world was thrilled! Many apps were built around chatbot interfaces, turning these “parrots” into responsive and engaging conversationalists.

But, as with all things in life, we’re always looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible. The curious minds of the AI community realized that AI could do so much more than just chat, and that’s when the creative juices really started to flow. 💡

The goal shifted from generating simple blobs of text to creating meaningful content that would lead to tangible outcomes. Developers and researchers began to experiment with LLMs, harnessing their power to achieve real-world results. One brilliant example is EntrepreneurGPT, an LLM designed to autonomously build a business with minimal human input.

EntrepreneurGPT works through a series of LLM calls, processing the output and adjusting the input based on that output to create different prompts. It’s like having an AI business partner that handles everything from brainstorming ideas to crafting marketing strategies, all while requiring little to no guidance. 🚀

The emergence of such creative applications marked a turning point for AI. Suddenly, LLMs weren’t just limited to chatbots; they were capable of so much more. And as we’ll see in the next section, the introduction of AI Agents took these capabilities to new heights, making AI systems even more powerful and versatile. Stay tuned for the next chapter in this AI adventure! 🌟

The AI Agent Dream Team

Imagine AI Agents as skilled trainers who work with our chatty parrots to help them achieve specific goals. These trainers combine AI systems in a processing loop that allows them to direct the LLM’s output towards a clear objective. In other words, AI Agents are the puppet masters of the AI world, ensuring that the parrot performs its tricks in a more controlled and predictable manner. 🎭

The Symphony of Systems — AI Agents at Work

To better understand how AI Agents can integrate different systems to achieve an objective, let’s dive into a detailed example. Imagine we’re building a virtual travel planner that creates customized itineraries for users based on their preferences. Our AI Agent will need to work in harmony with various components, including LLMs, external APIs, and more. 🌍✈️

Here’s how an AI Agent would perform in this scenario:

1. Gathering User Input: The AI Agent would first gather user preferences through a chatbot interface, such as desired destinations, budget, and travel dates.

2. Making API Calls: The AI Agent would then make calls to external APIs, like flight booking platforms, hotel reservation systems, and local attraction databases, to gather relevant information.

3. Processing LLM Output: The AI Agent would use an LLM to generate suggestions for activities, dining options, and travel tips based on the user’s preferences and the information collected from the APIs. The AI Agent would then process this output to ensure it aligns with the user’s requirements and the data retrieved from the APIs.

4. Creating Concise Prompts: Based on the processed LLM output, the AI Agent would craft more concise prompts to refine the suggestions. For example, if the initial output included an expensive restaurant that exceeded the user’s budget, the AI Agent could create a new prompt asking the LLM for budget-friendly dining options.

5. Maintaining a Task List: Throughout this process, the AI Agent would maintain a task list to keep track of the different steps and ensure that all necessary components are considered while creating the customized itinerary.

6. Presenting the Itinerary: Once all the information has been gathered, processed, and refined, the AI Agent would present the final itinerary to the user in an engaging and organized manner.

In this example, the AI Agent acts as the conductor of an AI orchestra, coordinating different systems and processes to create a seamless and enjoyable travel planning experience. By integrating LLMs, external APIs, and various other components, AI Agents can achieve complex objectives and deliver extraordinary results. 🎼🤖

The Limitations of AI Agents and the Introduction of Co-Op Agents

As much as we love AI Agents and the incredible things they can do, it’s important to recognize that they have their limitations. AI Agents operate within the permission scope of the user running them, making them perfect for tasks that only require input from a single person. However, many real-life situations demand consensus and input from multiple human actors. 🤔

Take, for example, scheduling a coffee date. To do this efficiently, you would either need access to the other person’s calendar or have some way of coordinating the meeting without breaching privacy. In the unpredictable world of AI, this can be a daunting and less-than-ideal prospect.

Now, imagine a world where you have your personal AI agent, operating within your predefined scope and control. When it’s time to schedule that coffee date, your AI agent could communicate with the other person’s AI agent, both working within their respective spheres of influence. Enter the realm of Co-Op Agents! 🌐

In our next blog post, I’ll delve deeper into the agents and explain how it works🎉

Part 2: What are AI Agents and Why You Should Care? 🤖🌟

Feel free to comment your questions and your persepctive on the world of AI Agents.



Shreyas Kulkarni

I write micro-blogs. Micro blogs are ~2-5 min read blog posts that provoke your mind , give a perspective and get the conversation started.