Will AI take my job?( AI Agent version — God Mode)

Shreyas Kulkarni
5 min readMay 6, 2023


This blog is part of the series where I created an AI Agent using God Mode and gave it an objective to write a blog post about one of the questions I commonly encountered

Is AI going to take my job?

I thought it would be interesting to task AI with this objective, while also showing everyone the current state of a simple AI agent, to spark imagination on how these Agents could be influencing us in the short future. If you are curious about what these AI agents are and why you should care about them, I have written an article on that here.

If you are interested in learning how the sausage was made you can read — I asked AI Agent to write a blog about “Is AI going to take my job?”

Or, if you want to just read the article that the AI wrote, continue reading on!


In the ever-evolving world of technology, the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employment has been the subject of much debate. But as history shows, humans have always adapted and hustled to create new opportunities. While there’s no denying that some people have been left behind, it’s essential to recognize that we have never had more resources to learn and adapt than today. In this article, we’ll explore how we can utilize AI to ensure that we remain irreplaceable in the job market.

The Historical Context: Tech Innovations and Job Creation

Throughout history, technological advancements have led to the creation of new jobs, even as they’ve disrupted older industries. When automobiles replaced horse-drawn carriages, the carriage industry declined while the automobile manufacturing industry flourished. Similarly, automation in factories led to job displacement in some areas but also created new opportunities in others. The bottom line? Technological change can have both positive and negative consequences on employment.

The Studies: AI’s Predicted Impact on the Job Market

Researchers have attempted to predict AI’s impact on the job market, offering both optimistic and cautious perspectives. In 2013, Oxford economists Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne estimated that 47% of all U.S. jobs are at risk of being automated within the next few decades. However, they also noted that some professions, like healthcare and education, might be less affected by automation.

More recently, a 2019 study by the World Economic Forum suggested that AI will displace 75 million jobs but create 133 million new ones by 2022. Sounds promising, right? However, we should keep in mind that the new jobs might be quite different from the ones lost, and there could be significant skills gaps that could affect the labor market.

The Importance of Adaptability: Embracing Change and Overcoming Obstacles

Adaptability is the driving force behind personal and professional growth in a world of constant innovation. As we stand on the precipice of the AI revolution, embracing change and actively pursuing new skills can become our compass, guiding us through uncharted waters to reach new horizons. History offers valuable lessons of resilience from those who have navigated transformative periods, such as the Industrial Revolution, where artisans and craftsmen adapted and thrived in the burgeoning factory system. By learning from the past and fostering adaptability, we can forge our own path through today’s ever-shifting landscape.

Refusing to adapt to change can have dire consequences, including job displacement, stagnant career paths, and diminishing prospects. However, by cultivating resilience, we can bolster our mental fortitude, maintain an optimistic outlook, and persevere in the face of adversity. In this era of rapid change, resilience and adaptability serve as guiding stars, lighting the way through the storm and leading us toward success. By embracing the challenges of the AI revolution and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead, we can ensure that we remain indispensable in the workforce of tomorrow.

The Power of AI: Embracing Opportunities and Becoming Irreplaceable

As AI revolutionizes the world around us, it simultaneously offers unparalleled access to information and learning opportunities. The power of AI lies not only in its ability to transform industries but also in its potential to empower individuals to adapt and thrive in the changing job market. By embracing AI as a resource, we can harness its capabilities to learn new skills, stay informed, and become irreplaceable in our chosen fields.

Instead of viewing AI as a threat, we should see it as an opportunity to enhance our skills and make ourselves indispensable. By leveraging AI-driven platforms for education, skill development, and staying updated on industry trends, we can position ourselves at the forefront of innovation. AI has the potential to augment our capabilities, making us not only more efficient but also more creative and insightful. By integrating AI into our professional lives, we can seize opportunities, solve complex problems, and ultimately, secure our place in the workforce of the future.


In essence, the key to thriving in the era of AI is to embrace its potential as an unprecedented learning resource and use it to our advantage. By adopting a proactive and open-minded approach to AI, we can unlock its power to enrich our careers, elevate our skills, and ensure that we remain irreplaceable in the dynamic and evolving job market.

AI’s impact on employment need not be a cause for fear. By embracing the historical pattern of hustle and adaptation, we can use AI as a tool to make ourselves irreplaceable in the job market. With the resources available today, there is no reason not to learn, adapt, and thrive in the face of technological advancements. So, let’s not worry about whether AI will replace our roles; instead, let’s focus on how we can harness the power of AI to ensure that we remain essential and irreplaceable in our chosen fields.

For completeness, I thought to compare the blog post generated by the AI Agent with the one generated by ChatGPT. For the curious minds, here is the link to the blog generated by ChatGPT — Will AI Take My Job? (ChatGPT Version).



Shreyas Kulkarni

I write micro-blogs. Micro blogs are ~2-5 min read blog posts that provoke your mind , give a perspective and get the conversation started.