Productivity, Atomic Habits, Discipline, Self Development, Be Better Today

Atomic Habits 101

Unpacking Atomic Wisdom — Part I

The Magic Ceiling
4 min readDec 26, 2023

How good does it feel to be Good at Something?

How amazing does it feel to be amazed by our own achievements?

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

I have had this great opportunity to get started on an Absolutely Amazing Book — Atomic Habits by James Clear

Recommended highly by many influential and highly successful individuals.

I intend to dive deep into the world of this book and share my reflections with you through Atomic Habits 101.

Stay tuned to get a unique perspective as i move ahead and make these teachings a part of my life.

Let us Start.

There is this part in us that always vies for betterment, whether it is obtaining something better or being somewhat better.

And that something ALWAYS brightens up our moments.

Being complimented from a stranger or complimenting a stranger, acknowledgment from your co-workers or an acknowledgement to yourself.

An appreciation from our loved ones, a breakthrough at work, a dessert made really well or maybe an action of doing two minutes of breathwork.

One Act of Betterment is a Foundation for the Next.

Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

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We often do things which are undoubtedly good for us, however, for some reason, we often tend to neglect them the very next day.

We end up being erratic about them, despite them being so good for us!

All of us have read (sorry, started reading) a book, done a workout, connected with friends, approached unknown people, taken leap of faith in relation or business…..

Only to go back to not doing it regularly, not doing it religiously, not doing it everyday without fail.

Skipping that activity for some entertainment for our monkey mind, something in our comfort zone.

Yep. That’s us at times.

We tend to delegate responsibility for our actions.

We give it to a thing called Motivation.

If motivated, we do, if not, we say ‘Ahh, …let it be, i’ll do it some other time’.

Stuff like ‘i feel not motivated enough’ or ‘i am not in the right head space!’

It’s too cozy ..or It’s too Cold! …or It’s too late! …or It’s too early!

It’s just a cookie or It’s only just one piece…we can go on and on and on…..

What’s more, we tend to do it more often for things we feel are tiny and comparatively insignificant.

Understanding how every small decision affects us in the overall picture is important.

The famous book — Atomic Habits by James Clear is perfect to understand this concept.

This book made me look at my day and my actions very differently.

You have to draw a line.

That is the place from where you put the brakes, you stop the neglect, you stop the unnecessary activities, you perceive your time in new light, you count life and your actions in the moment of right now and not in days.

And that, my friend, is the moment from where you turn your day around.

Let me know if you have heard or read or are planning to read this amazing book.


Atomic Habits by James Clear

I am going to genuinely apply this.

Let us turn our time to a better direction!

Let us Go be better today!


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The Magic Ceiling

Writer & Part-Time Creator. All about Productivity, Mindset, Philosophy & Self Improvement. The Get Better Newsletter -