Writing, Medium, Consistency, Atomic Habits, Inspiration, Writers on Writing

Atomic Habits 101 — Part III

The Habit of Writing — Why You MUST.

The Magic Ceiling
4 min readJan 11, 2024

What Better a Gift than to Build Value & Then Share it?

How I Started Writing.

I began writing my Newsletter (The Magic Ceiling) hardly a few months back. (October 2023)

I remember the deep, deep longing that I constantly felt from within, something that i feel even now and for which I am so grateful for.

The longing to be better. In things I am good at and in those that I am not.

It was not enough, I wanted, no,….…I needed to build more value.

I needed to improve my thoughts, my actions and my vision for future.

I did not want to feel helpless, at all.

I needed to feel empowered & inspired, by Myself.

Atomic Habits 101 is a deep dive into the book :-

Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Recommended highly by many influential and highly successful individuals.

Stay tuned for subsequent articles to get a unique perspective as i make these teachings a part of my life.

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How i Compared Myself to Other Writers

I have always liked reading.

However, Reading books & articles by different authors, I never was able to see myself being equal to them, today or in the future. My mind never assumed myself as a capable writer.

“I am not a thinker like them, nor a writer like them!

I do not have the depth of these People!

It was not even a question; I took it for granted.

How Do I Even Compare Myself?

It can be so difficult to start something new, when you feel you are not capable enough to right now.

Taking a step on your own, into a field you have never stepped foot on.

Not knowing how your thinking actually is.

But, It is fulfilling.

Writing Reveals a Lot about Us to Us.

It is Refreshing, it is Empowering.

Taking my First Step in Medium.

In searching for how to expand my horizon and capability, i came across the idea of a Newsletter.

The more i delved into it, the more my conviction began to grow from within.

I need to do this. I need to take this Step.

I sat the entire night, looking at videos and searching google and yes, i did get lost in the maze of information from how to make a Newsletter to the extraordinary success story of the Morning Brew.

(I know, I could not help it! It happens…. Counting Chickens!

Anyways, I finally homed onto one person, who showed how to do it, i got my account and man….I was soo Happy!

Happiness Level Unlocked!

Learn More about Habit Building 👉 Atomic Habits

From such doubt & Insecurity, only after I could convey to myself why I am writing, that I could then gather myself and have the courage to begin.

When you know less, you are afraid.


To Know that you know nothing, is Empowering.

It propels you to learn.

No fear of Judgement. You have already judged yourself.

You are ready to build the new you!

How it Makes Me Feel Now.

I wanted to align myself as a thinker & Creator. I have & I will continue to do so.

I feel immense pleasure & fulfillment.

It strengthens you, your confidence, your conviction.

It Frees You.

How many times have you come across something written by someone that lifts you? Gives you something that you so needed to hear or see?

A message of hope and faith.

Yes, You have value.

Your thoughts hold Immense Value & Opportunity.

Follow them.

Allow them to flow in your writing.

Remember, Your Thoughts will surely be an Inspiration to Someone.

Go Be Better Today.

  • Shakti

Have a Look! 👉 Atomic Habits by James Clear.

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The Magic Ceiling

Writer & Part-Time Creator. All about Productivity, Mindset, Philosophy & Self Improvement. The Get Better Newsletter - https://themagicceiling.substack.com/