How to set up an easy and secure reverse proxy with Docker, Nginx & Letsencrypt

Kasper Siig
We’ve moved to
12 min readApr 11, 2019


Perfect score on SSL Labs


Ever tried setting up some sort of server at home? Where you have to open a new port for every service? And have to remember what port goes to which service, and what your home ip is? This is definitely something that works, and people have been doing it for the longest time.

However, wouldn’t it be nice to type, and have instant access to your media server? This is exactly what a reverse proxy will do for you, and combining it with Docker, it’s easier than ever.


Docker & Docker-Compose

You should have Docker version 17.12.0+, and Compose version 1.21.0+.


You should have a domain set up, and have an SSL Certificate associated with it. If you don’t have one, then follow my guide here on how to get a free one with LetsEncrypt.

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Kasper Siig
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