Understanding JSX in React: A Beginner’s Guide

Sai kiran Korada
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is JSX?
3. JSX and React Elements
4. Transpilation of JSX
5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Many beginners in React development often mistake JSX for HTML inside JavaScript. However, JSX is more accurately described as HTML-like syntax in JavaScript or XML-like syntax. In this guide, we’ll explore what JSX really is and how it’s used in React development.

2. What is JSX?

JSX, or JavaScript XML, is a syntax extension for JavaScript. It allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. For example:

const jsxHeading = <h1>Hey there JSX</h1>;

Although this looks like HTML, it's actually JSX. JSX allows developers to write code that looks similar to HTML but is ultimately translated into regular JavaScript.

3. JSX and React Elements

The JSX code we write is ultimately translated into React elements using `createElement()`. For instance, the previous JSX code is equivalent to:

const jsxHeading = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hey there JSX');

This means that JSX is not pure JavaScript and cannot be directly understood by native JavaScript engines.

4. Transpilation of JSX

Since JSX is not valid JavaScript, it needs to be transpiled before it can be executed by JavaScript engines. This transpilation process is typically handled by tools like Babel, which is integrated into build tools like Parcel, a bundler commonly used in React projects.

For example, when the JSX code:

const jsxHeading = <h1 className="heading">Hey JSX</h1>;

is transpiled, it becomes:

const jsxHeading = React.createElement('h1', {className: 'heading'}, 'Hey JSX');

This transpiled code is what is ultimately executed by the JavaScript engine.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, JSX is not HTML inside JavaScript, but rather HTML-like syntax within JavaScript. It is transpiled into regular JavaScript code before being executed by the JavaScript engine. Understanding JSX is fundamental to developing React applications effectively.

Keep exploring and stay curious about JSX and its role in modern web development!

By diving into JSX and understanding its nuances, developers can leverage its power to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces in React applications.



Sai kiran Korada

I'm Saikiran, a frontend developer deeply passionate about creating captivating user experiences using React and JS. I harbor a profound fascination for AI.