How to Start Your Self-Care Journey

Katevious Love
5 min readMay 15, 2020


Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

The idea of self-care is a therapeutic process that involves taking care of yourself and your emotional well-being. This unique and beautiful concept is built upon the idea that we must first take care of ourselves if we want to be able to give our all, in other areas and potentially help others. Lately, self-care has been a fairly hot topic of discussion. Many of us are always looking for ways to feel better about ourselves and more centered, but the guidelines on self-care can be a little iffy. If you are not familiar with how it works, you might be downright confused. Don’t worry, in this article we are going to discuss what self-care consists of, how self-care works, and how you can cash in on all the benefits that it can bring.

What Is Self-Care, Really?

Self-care is a concept that has existed in many different forms over the years but has become more prevalent in recent years due to its popularity with therapists and the self-help obsessed public, i.e. me. The general idea of self-care is that you will deliberately put aside time that is specifically dedicated to yourself and the care of your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Many people affiliate it with bubble baths or journaling, and those can be great ways to start. However, the fact is that self-care, in reality, looks different for everyone. What refreshes one person might drain another and that is just fine. For instance, I love organizing, it relaxes me yet for others it may drive them crazy and feel like a chore. Self-care is all about finding balance within your life between your wants, needs, and desires. You are choosing to do something for yourself, for no other reason except to improve your overall mental and potentially physical health. The stress of being unemployed or working a full-time job, being a spouse, sibling, parent, and just having to be “on” all the time can really wear a person down and leave them empty. To avoid burnout, compassion fatigue, or an entire mental breakdown, self-care can be a bridge that allows you to take a pause to catch your breath, have time to reflect or decompress for daily stresses. It can also allow you time to get to know yourself better, set some limits, and identify what truly brings you joy.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

How Do I Get Started?

Building a self-care routine requires a little bit more than scheduling. In order to truly benefit from self-care, you will want to take some time to look within and figure out what makes you feel like the best version of you. What are you hoping to accomplish with your self-care? Do you want to lessen your stress levels? Are you hoping to boost your self-esteem? There are so many benefits to self-care, so decide what you want to focus on and build a self-care routine that embraces it. Like anything else, getting started with self-care can feel a little confusing, like another daunting task on your to-do list or even just too much if you’re currently already overwhelmed. Do you just take a bath? Will writing a single journal post dramatically change your stress levels? Do you need to schedule a time to do this? For most people, getting started can feel odd, selfish, and even sometimes a bit silly. No matter what self-care route you take, the best way to get started will always be to schedule yourself some time. Find a free hour in your schedule and completely block it off. No errands, no work, and no distractions. Self-care is a commitment to yourself. It is important to protect your self-care time in order for it to really work. As you begin your self-care journey, consider what works for you, and start there. Explore things you have always wanted to try but never found the time, learn about things in-depth that have caught your interest over the years, or have experiences that take you on a personal journey from your bucket list, or simply try to get 30 more minutes of sleep during the night. There are endless possibilities and avenues to what you can do for self-care. If you are not sure, you can try some of the more popular options like meditation, reading, solo vacation, a good dance session, or even scrapbooking.

How Do I Build A Self-Care Routine?

When adding new routines to your life it is never simple but with self-care, it should be. You have to make yourself a priority. You should start by reviewing the goals you created for yourself and then establishing a timeline in which you would like them implemented. If you want to relax more, a weekly bubble bath with a book might be good for you. Maybe you want to boost your spirits, so a creative outlet like coloring might be a better option. Find what feels right, and then slowly introduce it to your schedule. Start small, even if it is only one hour a month. Over time, find ways to bring more self-care into your life. It might be ten minutes of daily meditation; a bike ride after dinner, facemasks even Sunday evening, or you might cook a nice meal every week and enjoy a good glass of wine with no distractions. You don’t need to carve out an hour every single day. Do what you can, when you can, then work to add more time as your schedule allows.

Photo by Carl Nenzen Loven on Unsplash


Self-care is a personal journey that can change over time, and even change depending on who you ask, and that is the beauty of it. It is ever fluid, blending, flowing, and being shaped by your individual needs. If you are looking to have more peace of mind, feel more grounded in your person, or you just want to have some peace and quiet, self-care is a great place to start. When we commit to ourselves, we create a stable ground to work from. Self-care can improve your productivity, your mood, and your life as a whole. You deserve to be a priority in your own life. It’s time to act like it.



Katevious Love

Storyteller. Marketing Strategist. Work featured on Bloomberg, The Startup, and Netflix. IG: KhasingLove