What You Should Know About Covid Mask Blocs

Kristen Maggard
3 min readSep 14, 2024

Learn about this Covid resource that could help you during a time when government support is lacking.

What Is A Covid Mask Bloc?

It’s simple really — Covid mask blocs are grassroots mutual aid organizations that distribute masks and other Covid supplies in their local communities for free.

They help people access highly protective respirators such as N95s, KF94s, or KN95s. Additionally, many mask blocs provide rapid test kits (the nasal swab Covid tests you can take at home). Some mask blocs even have air purifiers available to borrow. To get the supplies, people can schedule a time for in-person pick up locally. Sometimes delivery is available locally, and some mask blocs will ship supplies if someone lives too far away to get them in person.

In addition to distributing resources to reduce the impact of Covid-19, Covid mask blocs also use their platforms to educate others about Covid related news, such as current levels of spread, public policy updates, and research results.

Where To Find Them

The U.S. portion of the Covid Action Map as of 09/14/2024. Find the organizers on Instagram and X @covidactionmap.

Covid mask blocs can be found globally. Many cities in the United States have local mask blocs. To find them, visit the MaskBloc.org or Google search: “Covid Mask Bloc + your city”. Many groups are on social media. I have…



Kristen Maggard

Covid Conscious Data Analyst. University of Virginia alum.