2 min readOct 20, 2022

How Arduino based Holter ECG identifies the irregular heart beats ?

The heart’s rhythm is captured by a tiny, wearable device called a Holter monitor. It is utilized to identify or assess the possibility of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias).If a conventional electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) doesn’t reveal enough information regarding the state of the heart, a Holter monitor test may be performed. An event recorder, a longer-term monitor, may be required if the irregular heartbeats happen infrequently. Smartwatches and other personal electronics provide electrocardiogram monitoring.

Before jumping into the technical details and specifications here are some of the use cases of holter ecg:

  • Signs and symptoms of an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
  • Unexplained fainting
  • A heart condition that increases the risk of arrhythmias

An ECG may not detect arrhythmias that occur infrequently. A Holter monitor may be able to detect abnormal cardiac rhythms undetected by an ECG.

If normal Holter monitoring fails to detect an irregular heartbeat, an event monitor may be recommended to record heartbeats over a period of many weeks.

In this article we’ll study the detailed working and flowchart for the holter ecg device using arduino as a microcontroller.

AD8232 three lead ECG sensor have been used with Arduino as a microcontroller, An AD8232 sense the heart rhythm and sen the analog signal to Arduino, Arduino converts the analog signal to digital data and transfer it to PC through Bluetooth also it stores the digital data in SD card. In the program section, the digital data obtained from Arduino is being processed. First, the data is being filtrated with the help of Bandpass Butter-worth filter of fifth-order with cutoff frequency(0.5–100)Hz after that again that data is being filtered with IIR notch filter with 50 Hz cutoff frequency to eliminate the AC noise. After that R peak has been detected, After detection of the R peak interval between each Rinterval is being calculated, with help of the RRinterval Heartbeat, Heartbeat variability is being calculated. If the process is in real time the plot is shown in real-time with help of py-serial within the program.


Elex. And Communication Engineer