Lessons from our lives #1 — non-duality

Father of Girls
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2017
Photo Credit: Tax Attorney LA

Dear R&M,
Each day I learn so much from both of you, about myself, about the two of you and about the world we live in. I reckoned I should in turn share some of what I’ve learnt (and continue to do so each day). I will try to keep each thought less than 250 words if I can, but you know how I can get sometimes. I will also number them for no reason other than I like numbering and it helps keep track of things. The first few ones I’ll try to put down are what I think are the most important but I may change my mind later :)

#1 Avoid the trap of duality
If there is one lesson, my grandpa, my mom and dad’s mom have taught me through their lived lives, is to understand non-duality. I know that may sound heavy, but in simple terms — avoid thinking of things in black and white. Whether it’s

people — She’s good or she’s bad;

countries — Americans are so _______,

politics — Capitalism is evil,

it is far too easy to label it as something specific — usually a duality that has an opposite.

Most things in life are not dual — hence non-duality. Sure the philosophers have spent much time arguing this — notably Adi Sankara and his Advaita Vedanta — that even the separation of man (atman) and God (brahman) is dualism.

As we live our lives, and face challenges or even mere irritations each day it is worth keeping in mind, that we avoid the trap of duality!

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