Are You With Us or Against Us?

Karian Tolbert
1 min readOct 23, 2015


I am 19 years old, and I am a female. no i am not a famous artist, or in the music industry, but I do know what life is like as a woman. We are quickly shone down and judged by the things we do, how we present ourselves, who we hang around and so much more.

In hip hop, a female role is 10x harder to deal with. Women and hip hop are often seen as terms that cause much controversy. According to Erika Carter’s blog, she argues that yes hip hop is male dominated and hard for women to prosper, but artist from Queen Latifah to Nicki Minaj have often beat that status quote by empowering the rap game for women, even though they may be two different sets of empowerment. While Queen Latifah may address empowerment through treating women with respect and not calling them “bitches “ and “hoes,” Nicki is addressing it through her lyrics and videos, saying that women should feel comfortable in their skin no matter what. Another excerpt from a college student, cites another excerpt from Isha Damle, a junior televison, radio, and film major, who argues that Drake tries to lean toward the feminist side, in such songs such as “Hotline Bling” or “Fancy,” when in reality he is just as bad as artist such as N.W.A when it comes to disgrading women, as said in blogger, Daniel Johnson’s, “Misogyny Aint No Laughing Matter.

